Ytepka Society Organization in Toril CFG-XXII | World Anvil

Ytepka Society

The Ytepka Society, also known as the Triceratops Society, is based in Port Nyanzaru and dedicated to preventing any individual or group from abusing power and upsetting the natural social order. Its members are primarily neutral good Chultans. In many respects, the society's goals are similar to those of the Harpers.   The Ytepka Society was instrumental in liberating Port Nyanzaru from foreign powers and facilitating the rise of the seven merchant princes. Its members now work tirelessly to prevent the Zhentarim and other dubious factions from taking over the government or gaining undue influence. The Ytepkas also work covertly to eliminate the threat from pirates, but they've been unable to locate the pirates' base or track down pirate spies in the city. A handsome reward awaits those who can definitively pinpoint the pirates' base or capture their ships.   Currently there are fewer than fifty active members of the Ytepka Society. They don't advertise their membership but identify one another using a simple hand gesture: a raised left hand with the index finger, middle finger, and third finger extended, representing the three horns of the triceratops.   When the society judges that someone has damaged the social fabric of Chult or is on the verge of committing a great wrong, it presents a warning by anonymously delivering an iron token bearing the likeness of a triceratops. It's up to the marked individual to figure out the meaning of the token and take steps to correct the offending behavior or undo the damage. If the person ignores the warning and persists in offending the society, the Ytepkas secure permission from the merchant princes to mete out punishment as they see fit, up to and including a sanction (see the "Laws and Punishments" sidebar earlier in this chapter).   Unfortunately, because of the society's secretiveness, not many people understand what those iron tokens signify, and there's a lot of misinformation about the Ytepkas in Port Nyanzaru. The society doesn't recollect its tokens, either, so unscrupulous types have used old (or even counterfeit) tokens to frighten competitors away from business ventures.


  • Port Nyanzaru
Government, Secret Service