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Floating Islands of the Blessed Springs

The Vacation Spot for Gods

In the western plains of the continent of Udai lie thirteen giant craters, holes in the planet itself. In any other circumstance, these would be a great mystery, but these holes hold few secrets as to why they exist, for floating over them are ten large landmasses, artificial islands made of the mainland stone and dirt of Udai itself. These are the Blessed Springs.  

Above the World

These floating islands are the result of a strange quirk of gravity, seemingly the effect of either a battle or challenge between the Gods which resulted in chunks of land flying into the sky.
Izanagi by Jarhed

The Holy Hot Springs

There were great rivers and lakes throughout these places, sources of water that flowed into the ocean. The water did not go away, but instead turned into great springs that were blessed by the Gods.   The blessings are great and varied, and the legend goes that multiple Gods would come to them, relaxing upon the floating islands when they once walked Totania, before they were banished to their holy sites. Due to this, the blessings are from many of the Gods, save for Mimir, Amukk, the Nameless God, Chernobog, and Janus.   One feels like they are in Heaven when they are in the Blessed Springs, and all injuries and illnesses are healed, save for some of the most potent enchanted curses or ailments or injuries that are fatal/consist of the loss of a limb or body part.

Holy Sites

Each island (of which there are ten major landmasses, but thirteen holes where land once was) is said to be watched over by a different God. These Gods are, as follows:  
  • Izanagi, Lord of Time and the Sun
  • Phrixus, Lord of Protection and Justice
  • Athena, Lady of Civilization
  • Papatūānuku, Lady of Nature
  • Selene, Lady of Love and the Moon
  • Mayowa, Lady of Magic and Beauty
  • Sia, Lady of Knowledge
  • Nergal, Lord of Destruction
  • Leigong, Lord of Strength and Battle
  • Morrigan, Lady of Death
Strangely, this list is what many consider to be the list of the major Gods of Totania, with the notable exceptions of Helle, Hadur, and Tsukuyomi.
Some of the islands have hotter water than others, with the northernmost island being rather cold water for the springs, while the southernmost island, which resides on the equator, is scalding hot water.
Mayowa by Jarhed
  Few have the capabilities to reach the island, with it being a great quest for many an adventurer to one day make it to the Blessed Springs.  

Natural Ships

The Floating Islands of the Blessed Springs have a particularly strange issue of gravity that allows them to stay in the air, and mages that escaped the destruction of the Giant Kingdom found a way to exploit this to create something unseen before or since.   Giant steering wheels, as one may see on a boat, were attached to some islands. For others, large oars were attached instead. Either way, these magically connected with the gravitational centers of the islands and allowed them to be steered around and moved, raised, lowered, or brought elsewhere in the world.   The islands that still remain around their home areas naturally drift back to where they come from, however the three missing islands seemingly do not. If the remaining islands are blessed by the other three major Gods, then it appears Helle and Tsukuyomi may have stolen one, and Hadur used the power of shaping the planet itself to anchor his island elsewhere.   The region on and around these islands are the place one can likely find the majority of the remaining Giant population after the fall of their kingdom. There are Giants tasked with piloting the islands and making sure they are not hijacked at any point, though no one knows why. Some believe that perhaps one of the lost islands was not lost because of the Gods, but because of a rogue hijacker who lost the island, perhaps sinking it into the ocean.  
Hadur by Jarhed
Also on the island, alongside the pilots and the small communities of Giants, are dinosaurs. They lived on the ground the islands came from, so it is only natural that a large population of dinosaurs still live on those floating islands, which hold all the resources they need to survive.  

The Three Lost Islands

There are thirteen holes in the ground, where the floating islands likely came from. However, there are only ten major landmasses in the sky above Udai.   Granted, there are smaller islands in the sky, miniature ones that could theoretically be the fragments of the lost islands. However, it is more likely they are breakaway pieces of the larger islands that are still there.   Instead, it is believed the islands were either stolen by the Gods (see sidebar for more info) or lost somehow.   Are the Gods hiding them somewhere? Are the islands in the Heavens? Or are they lost in the sea or in unexplored regions of the world? Did Hadur create a crater to lead people on a false quest for an island that doesn't exist?   These questions have led many on endless quests to find the missing islands, and while many claim to have found them, there has never been any confirmation that these supposed islands are the real lost islands of the Blessed Springs. Some say islands from the Abral Islands, Shafai, or the Northern Islands could be the lost Blessed Springs islands, while others believe it could be other landmasses entirely, built up by Hadur as he built the rest of the planet.   These missing islands, like the known islands, will maybe never be reached. They are unattainable goals by most, and yet still adventurers seek them, leaving their homes for the promise of the Blessed Springs.

Cover image: by FrankWinkler


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