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Silent Silver

Also called "The Quiet Killer," it is a metal that makes no noise due to a sound absorbing property, making it the favored metal of armored assassins. Aside from this, it is not very different from regular silver.  


Silent Silver is a malleable metal with a softer texture compared to many of its contemporaries. It is generally a whitish color, but many assassins who use it paint it black. It is said to be the main metal used in the armor of the Yellow Hornets Squad of the Dwarven Army.  
It is extremely conductive to electricity, the most conductive of all metals, making it a dangerous metal to wear against a Lightning mage. An Assassin's greatest enemy, it is said, is the loud clap of brilliant thunder and its shining lightning.   However, due to its absorbing qualities, the metal does not take light well, making it less dangerous to wear against a Light mage.   When heated, it does not react much, meaning that one wearing Silent Silver can withstand Flames from a Fire Mage better than those in more reactive metals.
"Silent Silver is a dangerous metal, yet not for what it can do. Silent Silver is dangerous because those who shroud themselves in it have something to hide, and know exactly how to do it. Before you realize what the secret one holds is, it is always too late."
— Harbek
Due to its softness, silver is more easily pierced than other metals, and does not take blunt strikes as well as harder alloys like steel or fuccium. However, its malleability grants more freedom of movement, making its wearers nimble yet vulnerable.  

Sound Absorption

Footsteps, the clinking of the armor, or even direct hits to the armor make no sound, as the metal absorbs sound, masking the unquiet and turning it once more to silence. Silent Silver is said to be so capable of absorbing sound that even a Giant could walk silently in armor of this metal, slamming a hammer made, too, of Silent Silver on his chest.  

Legend of Rolf the Assassin

One of the few known legends of the Giant Kingdom features the story of one such Ice Giant, an assassin named Rolf, who snuck into Lorev and slayed the Fire Giants who had wronged him in battle before being caught by the King, a Storm Giant named Björn. Björn used Lightning to catch and defeat Rolf, then taking his armor and sinking it deep in the ocean.   It is said this armor still lies in the Northern Sea, and divers all over have searched for it. Some say the Northern Nereid hid it, while others say they dismantled it and made a large amount of armor for their soldiers out of the one set of Giant armor.  

Place of Origin

One can find Silent Silver within the Mines of the Slime. Due to the difficult making it into these Mines, it is not an easy metal to come by. Most of it is procured by the Dark Elves, which grants them their supposedly sneaky epithet of "The Shadowed Ones."   As Votarra Den also connects to the Mines, the Goblins are able to get their hands on it, though generally they end up trading it to the Dwarves, particularly the Yellow Hornets, as a source of trade, income, and goodwill between the two nations.   Some say that Slime soldiers sometimes dress themselves in sets of armor made of Silent Silver, allowing them to sneak up on those who intrude their caves. More likely it is their companions, the Ocultos Goblins, who do this, though some doubt even that this is true, calling it instead rumor to make the residents of the Mines of the Slime seem more terrifying.

Cover image: by Shutterbug75


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