The First Magic College Roster Document in Totania | World Anvil
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The First Magic College Roster

The Original Mages

The First Magic College Roster was a document in early Draconian history that is said to have shaped much of the nation, even centuries after it was written. It was a list released of the sixteen students admitted into the very first class of the Magic College of Zephys, the Class of -773.
Kilprax Ildial by Jarhed
  Citizens from all over Draconian Territory gathered at the various places the list was posted, of which there were seven. The first was posted in the Magic College itself, floating above the city of Zephys, where only those able to fly could view it. Then, Kilprax Ildial flew around to the villages, placing one in Tamd, another in Ealla, then one in Evity, Yirthum, and Bortan in that order. Finally, he returned to Zephys, placing one in the City Square.   Chaos ensued after the posting of the list. About half of the Draconian citizens had attempted to apply for the Magic College, so everyone was hoping they'd be on the list.   In Bortan, people were trampled trying to see the list. In Ealla, a bard played music loud enough to deafen most of the crowd only to find that she was not on the list. A crowd of Tamdians was melted by an acid potion to allow Cramtel Nurdesh access to the list, and in Zephys, a line was formed for people to see the list and it took three days for the final person in line to make it to the front to see the list. This final person in line was Tholthal Aligar, the final student admitted to the class and the final signature on the document.   Those chosen for the Class of -773, whose names make up most of the document, were made up of two groups.   Some came from prominent families in the villages they hailed from. This included the Daxurs, Tilraks, Ildials, Saxans, Nurdeshes, and Durzires. Others were given a chance because Kilprax Ildial and Kath the Eternal saw that they had great promise. The fact that some prominent families, particularly Tamdian families like the Nimphonkers and Beldorins, were ignored for these up-and-comers caused quite a bit of a stir.   The students of this class went on to influence nearly every facet of Draconian life going forward in the years following their admittance and subsequent graduation. Each village would appoint one of the students as Village Chief to rule over them after graduation, and most of them would later participate in the Draco-Elvish War. The precedent they set in everything they did went on to shape the world itself in the following centuries, and it can all be tied back to this document, where these sixteen students were chosen. Had it been any other group, perhaps, things would have happened differently. But because of the First Magic College Roster, the world crossed a point of no return and reached a new path.   The document itself was written in large part by the first Grand Wizard, headmaster of the Magic College, and ruler of the Draconian people, Kilprax Ildial, with the assistance of his mentor, the golden Dragon Lord Kath the Eternal. As Kath is a Dragon, he was unable to write the roster himself, but he consulted with Kilprax Ildial to ensure it was phrased correctly for the purpose they intended, and he also was part of the judging process that determined which student was allowed into the school.   Below is the text of the document (with some added imagery), a short piece of writing detailing each settlement under Draconian control and which students were admitted from each. It is said that the reason each settlement was listed was because Kilprax Ildial wished to emphasize each of them while also showing them under one heading, that being one of a united Draconian people.  

The Roster

The Heavens, where we stand, gaze upon the planes beneath and find turmoil and strife. From here, we see the world below us, and see it is in need of change.
Oldruuk Uphal by andreaspsillos4
  We, the founders of the Magic College, Grand Wizard Kilprax Ildial and Dragon Lord Kath the Eternal, find it on us to change the world. But change cannot be made by two hands, nor can four alone do what must be done. Change is a seed planted in the hearts of those that outlive even the eternal, a seed that grows into a new world. Today, we plant that seed so that the world may see a brighter future.   The future is not only these chosen few. The future is an endless march towards a sun we may never see, a world so far removed from where we stand that it would be unrecognizable even standing where you stand today. The future is a dream. I ask you now to share that dream with us. I ask you then to pass it on. Maintain the fantasy.   A valiant effort was shown by all. If we could teach a hundred students, we'd have admitted a hundred, but a decision was made to firmly draw the line at sixteen. These are the students who either showed themselves to have the greatest present skill, or who we believe have the potential to grow into greater mages with the right guidance. Guidance we, the Magic College of Zephys, can give.   Do not despair. This is only the first class of our institution. If your name is not found below, then you may try again next year when we repeat this process. When you may join the second class of the Magic College of Zephys.   If your name is found below, then may we see you soon in these ancient halls, which no man has stood in save for the administration of this institution. We will shape you into greater mages than anyone who has yet walked this planet.   On this day, the doors of the Magic College of Zephys shall be opened for the first time, with hopes to never close for the remainder of history. It shall be a place of study of all things supernatural, and shall foster students to grow into their roles as figures worth anchoring our hopes and futures onto. These individuals chosen have been selected because we, the administration of the Magic College, believe they hold the key to our world's future in their hands and their hearts.  
Tobor Tuldad by Jarhed


From our oldest settlement, the Militaristic Village of Bortan, three students have been admitted. They are as follows:
  1. Cruldor Daxur
  2. Teccok Tilrak
  3. Vixan Lealred


From my own place of birth, the Forbidden Village of Evity, three students have been admitted. They are as follows:
  1. Aampeal Ildial
  2. Forthash Saxan
  3. Elxis Lormorn


From the bombastic village of music, first to specialize in a technique, the Bardic Village of Ealla, three students have been admitted. They are as follows:
  1. Tobor Tuldad
  2. Driarderoc Wulvull
  3. Neforian Questus
Satrin Myathuluc by Jarhed


From the isolated land of brewing, the Alchemical Village of Tamd, two students have been admitted. They are as follows:
  1. Oldruuk Uphal
  2. Cramtel Nurdesh


From the capital city, the floating land of Zephys where the school itself resides, two students have been admitted. They are as follows:
  1. Tholthal Aligar
  2. Occin Otiwunax


From the newest settlement, the Enchanting Village of Yirthum, three students have been admitted. They are as follows:
  1. Laarthan Durzire
  2. Vurnush Jinyax
  3. Satrin Myathuluc
  For the future of magic and the Draconian people, we, the founders of the Magic College, hereby sign this document below the line as proof of our endorsement of these, the sixteen mages of the next generation. We ask the students, in turn, to sign beneath our names.

Kilprax Ildial

Kath the Eternal

Aampeal Ildial, Occin Otiwunax, Cramtel Nurdesh,
Oldruuk Uphal, Tobor Tuldad, Neforian Questus, Driarderoc Wulvull, Forthash Saxan,
Elxis Lormorn, Laarthan Durzire, Vurnush Jinyax, Satrin Myathuluc,
Cruldor Daxur, Vixan Lealred, Teccok Tilrak,
Tholthal Aligar

Cover image: Paper by Nile


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