
And even when I wander alone through the dark woods at night - I know I wil not be alone. For the great gods are with me and hold their protective hands around me. The Freyrune will mark me as one of theirs to protect and they will uphold this promise.
  The Freyrune is a specific Runeslate that has become very popular among the Chauken. It is a small slate, usually of wood or stone, that is imbued with the Rune Freyir. Typically the rune is inlaid with a different type of wood, amber or even Donnerglass or at least painted in a bright color. The Runeslate doees not need to be large - often significantly smaller than the palm of a child's hand - but needs to touch skin to work.   The runeslate is usually worn as an amulet around the neck and has become a common item of the Chauken and other clans. Even some foreign Isanmannen have acquired some of these amulets, trying to be protected by the local gods of the lands. If the Amulet works for them, though, is unclear. As it needs to touch the skin of the person, the amulet is usually worn below the clothing.   When worn, it protects the wearer from some environmental effects. The Freyrune in wood protectes from the cold and freezing, keeping the wearer warm enough even during string autumn storms. A Freyrune carved in stone prevents from losing orientation the dark and prevents despair - helping people to not get lost during the night.   The protective effect of this rune is usually attributed to the deity Ferannja.   The material inlaying the rune does seem to strengthen a specific aspect - while wood in wood often protects against the cold from strong winds, amber in wood specifically protects from the cold by water and snow.


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