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Gelbin Copperbranch

Summary: Gelbin is a forest gnome of the 'Canopy' clan. They live deeply in the forest of Arimor. His parents and 2 siblings are all alive. He keeps a pet squirrel, named Toto, who accompanies him at all times. Gelbin does his best to keep Toto (and himself) out of danger.
  Gelbin has always had a special connection with animals, was approached at a young age by druids of the forest, who offered their teachings. Keeps a bestiary of the animals he encounters, records drawings and characteristics, uses this as a method of learning to transform. The druids belong to the circle of the moon, meet in a sacred grove that contains a moonstone rock. They fashion necklaces out of moonstone for members of the circle, which enable them to find the grove. One of the elder druids was found dead, his necklace missing.
  Gelbin's task for formal acceptance into the circle is to find out what happened and retrieve the necklace, as it could expose the grove to third parties. His personal dream is to explore the world and record as many beasts as he can in his book, and then learn to shapeshift into them.
  FAMILY AND CLAN: Gelbin was born in a small clan-community of forest gnomes, who live deep in the forest of Arimor. They have been dubbed 'Canopy Gnomes' by other denizens of the forest, due to their tendency to build treehouses high up, rather than close to the ground. The clan lives a simple life, harvesting fruit, herbs and nuts to feed and enjoying the company of woodland animals. Many of them are skilled woodworkers, and enjoy displaying their craftsmanship by shaping their treehouses into elaborate designs. They are peaceful and avoid conflict unless absolutely necessary. They often seek the help of others in such situations. They maintain relations with other clans of forest gnomes, wood elves as well as certain druidic circles within the forest. Most of them have seen little of the outside world beyond the forest, apart from certain individuals who practice in trading. Gelbin's family has the nickname 'Copperbranch', to match the colour of the tree whose hollow they inhabit. Gelbin has a sister and a brother. Both his parents are alive. He also has dozens of cousins, and it is more than likely that everybody in the clan is at least distantly related to each other. His sister plays the best flute in the clan, and his brother (Kelmin) is a woodworker like his father before him. His mother is one of the teachers of the clan.
  PERSONAL STORY It is common among forest gnomes to maintain close contact with animals and keep pets, but some of them seem to have a particular proclevity towards establishing empathy with the denizens of the forest. At a very young age, Gelbin sought the company of woodland animals, learnt to mimic their movements and cries, even managed to communicate with sounds to some extent. He keeps a pet squirrel, named Toto, who accompanies him at all times. Gelbin does his best to keep Toto (and himself) out of danger. He has always kept a diary, in which he has drawings of the various animals he has encountered and different remarks about their behaviour. This particular tendency was noticed by nearby druids, who approached Gelbin and offered him their teachings. Gelbin's family considered this a great honour, even though it meant that he would be spending quite a bit of time away from home. With time, Gelbin studied not only the behaviours of beasts, but also how to transform into them, through the tutelage of the druidic circle. He has developed an academic approach to this, and records everything about animals he has encountered in his 'bestiary'. Gelbin was always impressed by those elder druids who could transform into all sorts of exotic beasts. He aspires to explore the world and fill his bestiary with as many animals as he can, and hopefully understand them well enough to be able to shapeshift into them. His druidic Circle of the Moon meet every full moon in a secret and sacred nook of the forest, which accommodates a rock that the druids believe stems from the moon itself. Whenever a new member is officially accepted into the circle, the druids take a small piece of it and fashion it into a necklace that its members are to wear at all times. It is only then that they can find the sacred site. Recently one of the circle's eldest druids was found dead, his moonstone necklace missing. It is Gelbin's task to find the person or beast responsible for this and retrieve the necklace, as it could expose the druids' hidden grove to outsiders if it falls in the wrong hands. Doing this will mean he will be officially accepted into the circle, and rewarded his own moonstone necklace.

The gnome druid.

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