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The Companions of Dragoncastle

The party. Use this article to note down all information related to the group.

People we owe



people in our service
    • Grace Stone Stone (curator lvl 5, knights of silverdenn)
    • Theodus , (3rd lvl Warden, Tends to Gelbin's grove)
    • Danellos Groves Groves (7th-level Evoker, currently managing construction of the castle)
    • Azorca (3rd level battle priest)

Friendly NPCs

They do their own thing

Friendly Powers (can have major impact)

  1. Thordos Troops

Other NPCs

people we have met, possibly no significance to plot


    • Inn "The Reluctant Pig" owners = Giselle and Gowan, their daughter Brecca.
    • Ryon and Lennore, members of Galini militia
    • mayor osric (general store owner), Morgouse the carpenter (ex weaver)



  • Alysann of the White Ajah and her warder Elyas Fairheart (golden hair, elegant, noble, completely LN)
  • Frozen Island

      • Svardbog frost giants led by Hrothgar

    College of Bards

    Enemy NPCs (minor impact)


    Opposing Powers (major impact)

    Stronghold Progression

  • Stronghold requires a minimum of Modest Lifestyle expenses (1 gp per day)
  • Overall Stronghold Information

    1st level castle (Grove, Keep, Tower). total cost 16,900 GP / REMAINING BALANCE TO BE PAID 0 Total construction time: 253 days
  • Gold per day = 66.8
  • 50% is day #126 (on 8/11/21)
  • 100% is on 8/3/22

  •   KEEP lvl 1 (Krusk) Rewards received: Units (regular light cavalry, green medium archers, regular medium infantry), training benefits, Followers (1x Curator), Righteous Smite (100%), Stronghold Actions(100%), DemAesne Effects(100%) Units & Costs
  • Regular Medium Infrantry, "The Misfits", includes some of Krusk's former comrades and half orcs, cost 220 / Upkeep 40gp
  • Demon Grimace Soldiers, "The Demon Grimace", recruited from Alcimos' service, cost 300/upkeep 60gp
  • Orc veterans, light infantry, "White tusk Berserkers", cost 490 / upkeep 40gp
  • Osherian contingent, medium infantry, cost 300 / upkeep 40gp
  • TOWER lvl 1 (Mithyra)

      Rewards Received: Spell reserach (Mithyra's Blinding Guiding Bolt), roll on follower chart once (50%) Pending rewards: Demesne effects(100%), Stronghold actions(100%), Source Magic (100%)

    GROVE / TEMPLE lvl 1 (Gelbin)

      Rewards received: Concordance, warden (3rd lvl) retainer - Theodus Grove Spells (100%) Demesne effect (100%) Stronghold Actions (100%) Savage Shape (100%)

    Establishment lvl 1 (Seith)

      Rewards received:
  • 2GP / DAY / PC = 2GP *90*5

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