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The Black Land

Ophiel's Deadlands

The Black Land is the vast, barren valley that extends to the east of the Bulwark Mountainrange. It is commonly believed to be the home of great evil and the location where Ophiel, the Dark One, has the most influence on the material plane.


A relatively flat valley surrounded by tall mountains, spanning over 600 km east to west and north to south. The valley is sometimes interrupted by clusters of trees and plants, which all grow in tight formations due to the harsh weather conditions.   The Black Land lies east of the Bulwark Mountain Range to the east of The Borderland Kingdoms, and is surrounded on all other sides by the lands of The Zaryn Dynasty.   Getting in and out of the Black Land is a difficult challenge, as the mountains that encircle it are tall and treacherous. Crossing the mountains becomes even more difficult due to the unnaturally hazardous weather conditions, as well as the blood-thirsty creatures that make those mountains their home. A few natural passages exist, however.   There are 4 known passages to the western part of the continent. The passages are guarded by Yllara's Borderland Kingdoms, who consider it their sacred mission to stand between the Black Land and the rest of the Yllaran nations.   There are other passages from the south, north and east, but their locations are not known by the people west of the Bulwark Mountains. The Zaryn Dynasty keeps them under heavy watch.


It is near impossible for life to survive in the Black Land, at least not in the ways considered natural in any other places in the material plane. A twisted sort of fauna and flora does exist, but it all looks very different from that found outside this harsh, devastated valley.

Localized Phenomena

The land is often ravaged by extremely hostile weather patterns throughout the year. At any given day, in any given location inside the Black Land, a traveller might find themselves assaulted by savage thunderstorms characterized by acidic rain or hail the size of golf balls, or winds so violent they could lift large trees in the air. The weather can change from storm to wind day after day, though the switch is always accompanied by a short period of relative quiet. During those quiet moments, there is no rain or intense wind, which can allow for travel.


The valley is always overcast, as the sun never penetrates the thick, greenish-black clouds overhead. It is cold, but not freezing cold, unless one gets caught without shelter in one of the thunderstorms or the violent winds. Conditions are unpredictable, as the weather pattern might change at a moment's notice.

Fauna & Flora


Flora in the black land is characterized by its dead, withered look. Plants and trees all look like dead nature, even though it's still very much alive and well. Due to the harsh weather conditions, the flora that survives has developed to grow deep, strong roots, cling close to the ground, and develop in thick clusters.   Some common sights in the black land:
  • Necrotic Trees: appear dead, with gnarled, blackened branches and no leaves.Even so, they are alive and possess incredibly hard, durable wood. Their roots dig deep into the earth to anchor against the violent winds and to tap into scarce underground water sources. They grow in tight clusters to protect each other from the harsh weather, creating small, dense groves scattered across the valley.
  • Withered Shrubs: Low to the ground with twisted, brittle-looking stems and dark, sparse foliage. These shrubs have a waxy coating that protects them from acidic rain. Their roots spread widely just below the surface, maximizing water absorption from brief periods of calm.
  • Thorny Vines: Thick, tough vines covered in sharp thorns. They grow intertwined with other plants, providing additional stability and protection.
  • Luminescent Moss: A rare form of moss that glows faintly in the dark. Found in sheltered areas, this moss thrives in the moist environments created by frequent storms.
  • Fauna

  • Corpse Beetles: Large, black beetles with tough exoskeletons. Feed on decaying organic matter and have a remarkable resistance to acidic rain and harsh weather. They often burrow underground to escape the worst of the storms.
  • Gloom Rats: Small, emaciated rats with hairless, gray skin that looks almost dead. Scavengers that can go for long periods without food. They navigate the terrain using their keen sense of smell and are mostly active during the calm periods.
  • Phantom Moths: Moths with translucent wings and a ghostly, pale color. Attracted to the luminescent moss and other faint light sources. Primarily nocturnal and have adapted to flying in strong winds by staying close to the ground.
  • Shade Hounds: Dog-like creatures with dark, mottled fur and glowing eyes. Fierce predators, they hunt in packs and have developed a keen sense of hearing to track prey in the dark. Known for their aggressive nature.
  • Settlements

    Despite the harsh conditions, there are three settlements where civilization might thrive in the Black Land:
    1. Uktal Harad (overland shelter)
    2. Uktal Gorvoth (forest shelter)
    3. Uktal Moggroth (underground shelter)

    Natural Resources

  • The trees of the Black Land offer the strongest (hardest/most durable) wood available on the material plane.
  • Deep underground, the Black Land is rich in Veinstone deposits.
  • Alternative Name(s)
    The Deadlands
    Location under
    Owning Organization


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