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The Exiled Saints

Once Aes Volari that ascended to Godhood. This group of gods lost the battle that resulted in the Breaking of the World. After their loss, they were branded as "Exiles" and imprisoned in a pocket-dimension. they were also stripped of much of their powers, essentially losing their "God" status in the process. In the Current Era, thanks to Fundamental Energy Degradation Agendas and the destruction of some of The Unbreakable Seals they now walk free again. Even after thousands of years of improsonment, they are still extremely powerful individuals. They have access to The Source as well as The Weave and posess knowledge that is now lost to most of other mortals.
  The Exiled Ones' exact locations are not currently known.

All Exiled Saints List

The following entities were still equal in power to the other Gods or Saints mentioned above, up until their imprisonment and the Breaking of the World:
    • Fekre, queen of poxes
    • Aeolus, the howling storm
    • Sykane, the soul hungerer
    • Pyra the inscrutible
    • Virelian, the Crawling Madness
    • Elysia, the Siren
    • Arcanthea, the Inevitable
    • Grimalkin, he of the many teeth
    • Sargon, the dark enchanter
    • Moriana, the Iceheart
    • Ravynna, the deceiver
    • Shadovar, the silencer
    • DRakemaster vorath
    • Infernix the invincible
    • Norganas, the finger of oblivion
    • Valthorn the evasive
    • Vex the Chainbinder
    • Vampyr, the vampire
    • Miragor the Veilweaver
    • Zhudun, Lord of Corpses

All Exiled Saints, Overview

1. Lord Zhudun, King of Corpses

    • Previously Lord Zhudun, the corpse star
    • Male, Necromancer
    • Talent: Mastery over death, can raise and control vast armies of the undead.
    • Relationship: Rival of Lady Fekre, competes for dominion over death.
    • Notable For: Once plunged a kingdom into eternal night, raising its inhabitants as his undead soldiers.
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2. Lady Fekre, Queen of Poxes

    • Female, Blood Mage
    • Talent: Manipulates blood to control and torture her foes.
    • Relationship: Rival of Lord Zhudun; former ally of Master Miragor.
    • Notable For: Creating a plague that made blood turn against its host.
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3. Master Miragor, the Veilweaver

    • Was Tenebrus the lich
    • Male, Illusionist
    • Talent: Can create illusions indistinguishable from reality.
    • Relationship: Former ally of Lady Fekre; mentor to Ravynna the Deceiver
    • Notable For: Erasing the memory of an entire city from the world.
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4. Ravynna the Deceiver

    • Was Khirrad the Deceiver
    • Female, Trickster Mage
    • Talent: Master of deceit, can alter perceptions and twist truth.
    • Relationship: Protégé of Master Miragor; despises Shadovar, the eye of shadows.
    • Notable For: Toppling a dynasty by sowing chaos and mistrust.
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5. Shadovar, the Silencer

    • Was Yrrga, the eye of shadows
    • Male, Shadow Mage
    • Talent: Controls shadows to assassinate his targets unseen.
    • Relationship: Despises Ravynna for her loud methods; allied with Arcanthea.
    • Notable For: Assassinating the Lightbringers, guardians of the realm's peace.
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6. Arcanthea, the Inevitable

    • was Drizlash, the Nine-Eyed Spider
    • the raven queen
    • Female, Diviner
    • Talent: Sees through time, predicting and manipulating futures.
    • Relationship: Ally of Shadovar; fears Sykane, the soul hungerer.
    • Notable For: Predicting the Great Calamity, yet doing nothing to prevent it.
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7. Sykane, the Soul Hungerer

    • Female, Seer
    • Oracle of the lost
    • Talent: Communicates with spirits to uncover secrets and lost knowledge.
    • Relationship: Feared by Arcanthea; seeks counsel from The Elemental Warden.
    • Notable For: Uncovering the location of the Lost City of Gold.
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8. Infernix the Invincible

    • Was Yog the invincible
    • elemental warden
    • Female, Elementalist
    • Talent: Commands the elements, summoning storms and earthquakes at will.
    • Relationship: Counsels Sykane, the Sould Hungerer; enemy of Pyra the Inscrutible.
    • Notable For: Shattering the Isle of Dawn, turning it into a floating archipelago.
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9. Pyra the Inscrutible

    • Female, Pyromancer
    • Flameheart
    • Was Savnok the inscrutible
    • Talent: Wields fire with unparalleled skill, incinerating entire armies.
    • Relationship: Sworn enemy of Infernix the Invincible; secretly admires Lord Zhudun.
    • Notable For: Burning the Great Forest, turning it into a desert wasteland.
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10. Aeolus, the howling storm

    • Was Zrin-Hala
    • Male, Aeromancer
    • Talent: Controls winds and storms, can summon hurricanes.
    • Relationship: Rival of Pyra the Inscrutible; ally of Infernix the Invincible.
    • Notable For: Unleashing the Eternal Storm upon the Northern Seas.
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11. Lady Moriana, the Iceheart

    • Was lady Delban
    • Female, Cryomancer
    • Talent: Freezes anything with a touch, creates ice castles.
    • Relationship: Despises Aeolus for his chaotic nature; admires Master Miragor's control.
    • Notable For: Casting the Thousand-Year Winter over the southern lands.
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12. Sargon, the Dark Enchanter

    • Was Zantras
    • Male, Enchanter
    • Talent: Bends the will of others, making them his slaves.
    • Relationship: Seeks the affection of Lady Moriana; fears Lord Zhudun.
    • Notable For: Enslaving a city's population to build his dark fortress.
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13. Grimalkin the Feral

    • Was Dahlver-Nar
    • Male, Beast Master
    • Talent: Controls beasts, can transform into terrifying creatures.
    • Relationship: Lone wolf, but respects Sargon' ruthlessness.
    • Notable For: Leading a horde of monstrous beasts in the Battle of the Broken Peak.
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14. Elysia, the Siren

    • was shae-amourae
    • Female, Siren Mage
    • Talent: Uses her voice to control minds and crush spirits.
    • Relationship: Rival of Dahlver-Nar; intrigued by Ravynna's deceit.
    • Notable For: Sinking a thousand ships with her deadly song.
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15. Valthorn the evasive (the Stonehearted)

    • was vaund the evasive
    • Male, Geomancer
    • Talent: Manipulates earth and stone, can create fortresses and earthquakes.
    • Relationship: Ally of Lady Moriana; distrusts Pyra .
    • Notable For: Erecting the Impenetrable Wall, dividing continents.
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16. Norganas, the finger of oblivion (The Voidwalker Nex)

    • Male, Void Mage
    • Talent: Manipulates the void, can erase beings from existence.
    • Relationship: Feared by all; an enigma even to his peers.
    • Notable For: Vanishing the City of Echoes, leaving a void in its place.
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17. Vampyr, the vampire (Solara the Lightbane)

    • Male, Dark Light Mage
    • Talent: Corrupts light to spread darkness and blindness.
    • Relationship: Contempt for Arcanthea's foresight; ally of Lord Zhudun.
    • Notable For: Extinguishing the Everlight, the source of hope for many.
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18. Vex the Chainbinder

    • was Seriach the hell-hound whisperer
    • Female, Summoner
    • Talent: Summons demons and binds them to her will.
    • Relationship: Views Valthorn as a valuable tool; rivals with Vampyr for demonic alliances.
    • Notable For: The Great Demon Uprising, nearly overtaking the mortal realm.
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19. Virelian, the Crawling Madness

    • Was tarakamedes
    • formerly Male, Eldritch Psion
    • Talent: Aberrant Magic & Psionics.
    • Relationship: Hatred for Pyra the Inscrutible; uneasy alliance with Lady Moriana.
    • Notable For: Creating the Screaming Forest, an impassable barrier of madness.
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20. Vorath, the drakemaster(Arcanist Wyrmbane)

    • WAs Great Taah Haak
    • Male, Dragon Mage
    • Talent: Controls dragons, can speak their ancient language.
    • Relationship: Rival of Grimalkin; seeks to dominate The Elysia, the Siren's will.
    • Notable For: Inciting the Dragon Wars, leading to the fall of the ancient drake empires.
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