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Vor'anin, or the Mages of the Gilded Tower


The Vor'anin are the magocratic leaders of the country of Asmal. Their base of operations is the Gilded Tower in Asmal, the capital city. The most powerful Vor'anin are the 4 M'Hael, each specialized in one of the four schools of magic available to the Vor'anin. Together, they form the official governing body of Asmal, the Council of M'Haels. The council appoints 4 Tarchions (local governors), who act as local rulers of the Asmal territory.   The power of the M'Haels is split among the four factions of Vor'anin, all with different political and economical agendas. At the moment, the leading faction is one of merchants, crafters and traders that push for the Vor'anins' trade and financial dominance over the world. Their ability to craft and sell powerful magic items has allowed the Vor'anin to build a wealthy empire and to solidify themselves as one of the sources of powerful items in the world. The Vor'anin are always working to set-up new trade alliances as well as expand their political influence using any means necessary.   The Council of M'Haels plans political world domination, through establishing direct influence over the rulers of other countries. Any sort of leverage will do, though they tend to stay within the boundaries of the law. They typically send members of their organization to act as advisors to other nations, in order to secure trade dominance and an active hand in the world's political landscape.   The Gilded Tower is one of the few places in the world to learn how to yield The Weave. All nations where the Vor'anin have influence deliver potential male spellcasters to the Gilded Tower to be trained and incorporated into the Vor'anin organization. Training is difficult but ensures the cultivation of powerful, ambitious spellcasters, all loyal to the Council of M'Haels.  

The Council of M'Haels

  1. Hossos, Master of Conjuration
  2. Ibannos, Master of Evocation
  3. Tiago, Master of Necromancy
  4. Cartero, Master of Transmutation

The factions of the Vor'anin


Training system and progress through the ranks

Three ranks:
  • Initiate: These are the new recruits. They are not allowed to show their faces while in the Gilded Tower and wear a mask at all times.
  • Apprentice: The advanced students. More free time to study, they teach the newbies and must wear a silver circlet at all times.
  • Vor'anin: Fully trained. Must wear a golden circlet at all times.

Red Blades and Vor'anin

Each member of the Vor'anin goes through the bonding ritual with an Aegis as soon as they rise to the circlet.  

Identifying features

Full Vor'anin wear a golden circlet shaped in the form of a snake biting its tail around their heads. Apprentices wear a silver circlet. Initiates are always dressed in black and hide their faces behind a mask at all times while in the Gilded tower.

Notable Members


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