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Worship of the Seldarine


Children of Corellon

The High Elves of Myfenor , just like The Elves of ancient Venera , worship the pantheon of The Seldarine.   Corellon Larethian, the protector and creator of the elven race, stands at the heart of their worship. As the deity of magic, music, and art, Corellon embodies the ideals that the high elves strive toward: grace, creativity, and mastery.   The Seldarine's unity is mirrored in elven society, as their worshippers recognize that their gods' will is interconnected and always in alignment. Each deity is acknowledged for their specific role, but Temples dedicated to different deities often stand together, symbolizing this unity.   The high elves view themselves as the rightful guardians of the world's beauty, embodying purity and civilization. They believe in the continuous struggle against Lolth and the corrupted dark elves. This struggle shapes their views of the world, reinforcing their belief in their own superiority and the importance of protecting their magical traditions.  

Nature and Magic

The natural world is sacred. Druids maintain the health of Myfenor Forest, ensuring the cycle of life continues without disruption. The use of arcane magic is regulated, seen as an extension of Corellon’s will, but is always tied to nature, preventing abuse that could lead to corruption.  

The afterlife

The High Elves believe that Sehanine Moonbow guides their spirits to join those of their ancestors in the afterlife. Through the magic of the Seldarine, the spirits of the dead can still communicate with living elves.   The Elfsong is believed to connect worshippers with the collective wisdom of the past, providing guidance and inspiration in the present. It is a vital spiritual practice that links living high elves with their ancestors through communal song and meditation.


Many High Elves choose the life of a Priest or Priestess. They are recruited into one of the Seldarine temples for education and service.   Leaders in the faith are known as Clerics. They are highly respected, tasked with performing sacred rituals, guiding spiritual growth, and maintaining the temples. They interpret divine will and maintain the purity of the faith.   Clerics are often drawn from noble families, but commoners who demonstrate devotion and skill can also ascend to these ranks.   Twelve high-ranking clerics participate in The Assembly, ensuring the faith aligns with the Crystal Queendom's policies.  

Festivals and Rituals

Annual celebrations mark the solstices and honor the major deities. These occasions are times of joyous feasting, song, and ritual, reinforcing the unity and identity of the Crystal Crown.   The elves adhere many rituals, performed regularly throughout the day.
High Elf Religious Practices
Organization | May 9, 2024

Heretical Branches

Those rejecting Corellon’s supremacy are seen as heretics, often labeled as The Forgotten Ones and exiled from the Crystal Crown.

Places of worship

  1. Temple to Corellon Larethian
  2. Grove of Sehanine
  3. Sanctuary of Aerdrie Faenya
  4. Library of Labelas
  5. Circle of Hanali Celanil
  6. Shrine of Rillifane Rallathil
  7. Altar of Ereval Ilsere
  8. Bastion of Solonor Thelandira
  9. The Pillars of the Ancestors.
  10. Vigil of Fenmarel Mestarine
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