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Crystal Queendom of Myfenor

The High Elves of Myfenor

In mystical Myfenor forest live the High Elves. This society, known as the the Crystal Queendom of Myfenor to outsiders, or the Crystal Crown to its members, is led by a powerful and wise female ruler, The Emerald Queen.


  1. The Emerald Queen - Supreme Monarch of the Queendom
  2. The Assembly - advisors to the Queen
  3. The Noble Lineages
  4. Druids and Mages: The Circle of the Moon and The Pillar of Corellon
  5. The Sentinels and The Emerald Guard - military/police
  6. Artisans and Crafters - various crafts, including alchemy, smithing, woodworking, and enchanting.
  7. Commoners - Farmers, Hunters, and Gatherers: The backbone of society.


Core Beliefs

  1. Restoration of Ancient Greatness: High elves hold the belief that their ancient civilization, centered in Venera , represented the pinnacle of cultural and magical achievements. Their societal efforts are focused on recovering these lost standards, embodying a relentless pursuit of excellence.
  3. Self-sufficiency and Isolation: Trust in outsiders is minimal among high elves, stemming from a belief in their unique destiny and capabilities. This ethos extends to a broader skepticism towards other races, including their wood elf cousins, fostering a culture that prizes independence and self-reliance above all.
  5. Supremacy and Humility: Although they regard themselves as superior to other races, high elves also deeply value humility. This apparent paradox is reconciled by their view that arrogance leads to downfall, and only through a humble pursuit of their ideals can they ensure survival and supremacy.
  7. Magic and The Elfsong: Believing that true magic has been lost, high elves maintain a spiritual and practical connection to it through The Elfsong. This mystical tradition allows them to communicate with ancestors and harness their collective wisdom, ensuring cultural continuity and guidance from past generations.
  9. Views on Death and Legacy: For high elves, death is merely a transition to another existence where they join their ancestors. They believe in contributing to The Elfsong , sharing their experiences and wisdom beyond their physical lives, thus maintaining a cyclical continuity of knowledge and guidance.
  11. Religious Beliefs: Adherence to the Seldarine pantheon is central to their spirituality, dismissing other religious practices as misguided or false.
  13. Reproduction and Expansion: The demographic strategy of the high elves involves expanding their population to reclaim and inhabit lands that once belonged to their ancestors, ensuring the survival and growth of their race.
  15. Magic and the Environment: High elves hold a unique stance on magic, particularly weave-based magic, which they regard as harmful when used carelessly by others. They believe in their ability to wield this power responsibly and guard their methods zealously.


  1. Leadership and Governance: Governed by the Emerald Queen, a direct descendant of the ancient rulers of Venera, the political structure is highly centralized. The queen embodies both the temporal and spiritual leadership, guiding the high elves toward their envisioned future.
  2. Cultural Isolation and Protectionism: In daily life, high elves are cautious of outsiders, often requiring strict protocols for interaction with non-elves. This protectionism extends to their magical practices and cultural ceremonies, which are closed to outsiders to safeguard their heritage.
  3. Education and Magic: Training in the Elfsong and the responsible use of magic is a fundamental aspect of education among high elves. Young elves are taught the historical significance of their practices and their role in the preservation of nature.
  4. Ancestral Veneration: Regular ceremonies that honor the dead are common, involving the Elfsong to communicate with ancestors. These rituals reinforce the community's bond with their past and the continuity of their cultural identity.

Public Agenda

To all outward appearances, the elves of Myfenor appear to just want to be left alone. No more than a handful of outsiders have been allowed inside Myfenor Forest in the past few decades, so very little of elf culture and life is known to the rest of the world.   As far as other geopolitical factions are concerned, the elves' priority is to safeguard their forest home.

Demography and Population

Pupulation Racial Distribution: 90% elf, 5% gnome, 5% halfling Myfenor Forest is vast, but densely populated in it's heart. The borders remain free of elven inhabitants, but the Crystal city of Myfenor , which lies at the heart of the forest has expanded to cover a somewhat circular area representing around 60% of the forest. That said, all of the High elves live in the Crystal City, rarely venturing near the edge of the forest.


The Crystal Crown occupies the entirety of Myfenor Forest , nestled between the north and south branches of the Icethorn Mountains. The elves are the only occupants of this forest   They settled in this forest and established their domain circa 2550BB, at the start of the Age of Creation, after abandoning Venera , their ancient home to the west.   The Queendom's territory has been safe for thousands of years, not only thanks to the military might and diplomatic efforts of the elves, but also thanks to Corellon's Veil , a magical protective barrier that keeps outsiders out of the forest.


The military and security forces are designed to safeguard the forest, maintain internal peace, and protect the queen's sovereign power. The military is structured around two primary forces: The Sentinels of Myfenor and The Emerald Guard.   Additionally, the Myfenorian Nobility plays a significant role in the military hierarchy, commanding divisions of Sentinels as appointed by the Emerald Queen.  

High Command

The Sentinel Commander , a position currently held by Galadwen of Crystalglen , oversees all military forces and reports directly to the queen and her Assembly. This role is crucial for coordinating between the Sentinel divisions and the Emerald Guard, ensuring that all military actions are in sync with the political and strategic objectives of the queendom.  

Noble Command

Noble Commanders: Each major lineage within the nobility controls a division of Sentinels. The nobles are responsible for the training, readiness, and actions of their divisions, although they operate under the strategic directives issued by the Sentinel Commander and the queen.
  • Accountability: To maintain checks and balances, noble commanders regularly report their divisions' status and any significant incidents directly to the Sentinel Commander and during the Assembly meetings.
  • Strategic Objectives

  • Safeguarding the Forest: Protecting the natural magic and resources of Myfenor forest from exploitation or harm.
  • Maintaining Peace: Addressing internal conflicts and upholding the laws as dictated by the queen and her advisors.
  • Protecting Sovereignty: Ensuring the queen's authority remains unchallenged both within and outside her borders, with a focus on deterring or responding to any threats to her rule.
  • Technological Level

    Being one of the most ancient civilizations in the realms and thanks to their connection with their ancestral wisdom via the The Elfsong, the High Elves are much closer to magic (both Weave-based and True Source Spellcasting System ). There are a lot more spellcasters relative to common folk in Myfenor than any other kingdom in the world.    Thanks to their ancient roots, the High Elves are more knowledgeable about magic than most cultures and have even discovered a way to prevent the degradation of Fundamental Energy from having a major effect on their domain.  
    High Elf Magic Tradition
    Generic article | May 9, 2024


    The elves of the crystal crown, just like their forefathers in ancient Venera , worship the pantheon of the seldarine. Through the millennia the religion of the high elves has permeated every aspect of their lives, to the point where everyday life and religious worship have become indistinguishable.  

    Foreign Relations

    The Myfenorians have always been secretive and protective of their land. To outward appearances, they have always been isolated from the outside world, except for a few key periods when they ventured out of their forest home to fight for a cause under Ourania Themis's banner.   The The Emerald Queen and her advisors maintain contact with neighboring geopolitical entities, focused on keeping outside influence to a minimum without falling out of touch with the times.   Thus, Myfenor maintains healthy relations with The kingdom of arborea and The City-State of Navassos, as well as the The Aerimor Tribes and the Free Folk of halflington.


    Law Creation and Documentation

    • Queen as Legislator: The creation of laws is primarily the responsibility of the Emerald Queen, who embodies the ultimate authority within the Crystal Crown. Her decisions are heavily influenced by consultations with The Myfenorian Assembly.
    • Documentation: Laws and decrees are meticulously documented and preserved by the Keeper of Lore, Celandir of Starweave. This role ensures that all legal and historical records are maintained, accessible to those within the hierarchy who govern and enforce these laws.

    Law Enforcement

    The enforcement of laws is carried out by several bodies:
    • Sentinel Commander and The Sentinels of Myfenor: Responsible for maintaining order and security, the Sentinels act as both the military and police force within the realm.
    • The Emerald Guard: This elite group not only protects the queen but also enforces her will across the realm, acting on direct orders to handle severe breaches of law.
    • Myfenorian Nobility: Elven Lords and Ladies also play a role in local governance, overseeing the well-being of their domains and arbitrating disputes.
    • The Myfenorian Assembly acts as a judicial body for the nobility, arbitrating disputes and passing out judgement on nobles that have stepped outside their purview.

    Punishment and Legal Flexibility

    • Punishment: Punishments for wrongdoers can vary significantly depending on the severity of the offense. Common punishments include exile for those who engage in forbidden magic or societal betrayal (referred to as The Shadowed Ones). More severe breaches, especially those threatening the stability of the realm or the queen's authority, might result in harsher penalties, possibly even death.
    • Flexibility: Given the queen's supreme role and the influence of her advisors, the law can be quite flexible, adapting to new threats or changes in the societal, magical, or natural landscape. However, with the queen's deep connection to tradition and the enchanted forest, there is also a strong element of consistency and respect for the ancient ways.

    Important Laws in the Crystal Crown's Society

    • Loyalty to the Emerald Queen: All citizens must show unwavering loyalty to the Emerald Queen, her decisions, and her authority as the supreme ruler of the Crystal Crown.
    • Protection of the Forest: The sacred forest of Myfenor must be preserved and protected at all costs. Deforestation, over-hunting, or any harm to wildlife is strictly prohibited.
    • Purity of Magic: The practice of magic must align with elven values and follow the teachings of the Luminary Faith. Any form of magic that corrupts or desecrates nature is forbidden.
    • Elfsong Preservation: The Elfsong, as the bridge to ancestral wisdom, must be respected. Any attempt to desecrate this sacred tradition or disrupt its rituals is a grave offense.
    • Noble Obligations: Nobility must fulfill their responsibilities to protect their domains, support their citizens, and maintain harmony within their lineage.
    • Respect for the Seldarine: The Seldarine pantheon is to be worshipped exclusively. Any other religious practices are considered heretical.
    • Unity Among Elves: High elves must treat one another with respect and stand united against external threats. Internal disputes should be resolved through noble mediation or the Queen’s Assembly.
    • Elven Superiority: High elves are superior to other races and must ensure that their secrets, resources, and culture are not exploited or diluted by outsiders.
    • Control Over Magic Items: Powerful magical items must be registered and controlled to prevent misuse or theft. Such items are often housed within the royal vaults.
    • Humility and Service: High elves are expected to act with humility, serve their community, and contribute to the advancement of the Crystal Crown’s goals.

    Agriculture & Industry

    in terms of agriculture, the elves produce what they need from the forest, always giving back. Masters of farming in the forest environment and also growing livestock.    Thanks to The Elfsong, they have learnt how to enchant the trees of the forest to grow Crystal Leaves.   Industry The elves are great crafters of weapons and armor, thanks to their talents with the elfsong and The Weave .   The elves are the sole producer of Eldarquartz , a little-known, but highly sought-after, material.

    Trade & Transport

    The elves do not trade with the outside world, though the existence of illegal smuggling networks is possible.


    All elves are trained at The Elfsong from a young age. Each lineage is responsible for providing mentors for its young. Those that cannot afford to do so attend schools at the temples of the Seldarine (mostly Corellon), funded by the queen herself.   Specialized education The pillar of corellong for magic education The major noble lineages are responsible for training the sentinels under their command. Craftsmen around the city are incentivized to offer apprenticeships

    We stand alone

    Founding Date
    Circa 2550 BB
    Geopolitical, Country
    Alternative Names
    The Crystal Crown, The Elves of Myfenor
    Myfenorian, High Elven, Veneran
    Leader Title
    Government System
    Monarchy, Absolute
    Power Structure
    Unitary state
    Economic System
    Command/Planned economy
    Crystalla (singular: Crystallum): Gold, Silver and Copper. Crystalla are crystal pieces depicting a portrait of the queen on one side and a unicorn on the other. Made out of emerald crystals that grow on the trees of Myfenor Forest, using a secret process.
    Legislative Body
    Judicial Body
    Executive Body
    Related Traditions
    Related Ranks & Titles
    Neighboring Nations
    Notable Members


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