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The kreeëgől are a sapient specease of dark metalic cobolt blue metoerite people that have a spherical stature.
Taxonomically categorised as such; Animalia, Primus, Primitus, Abstractus, Gravitas, Exernidae, Kreeëgől, Meteorum.

They have a almost spiritual connections to gravity, with the ability to manipulate the weight and velosity of themselves and other things within a close vacinity. its is heavy assumed that the kreeëgől have the capasity to influance gravity as a hole.

Basic Information



the kreeëgől have a unique anatomy that is yet to have much context, visually they are bipedal quadrupeds that often having three eyes, digits and toes with their "skin" being composed of a cobalt blue rock (if in an original state).

Body structure:

all kreeëgől have the appearance of a round bolder of varying sizes with the smallest of them recorded being 4 foot tall exactly. and the tallest recorder at 10 foot tall exactly. their have rather stubby legs and curved flat arms that can seem in to indentations on the kreeëgől's body to make the body more spherical and aerodynamic whilst descending or moving through the air.

Biology and Anatomy:

The Null Chamber:
The kreeëgől's "organs" are all pocketed in the centre of kreeëgől's body. being protected by some kind of wall of light glowing blue repulsing force that its body naturally produces even after death.
It is assumed that is organ functions to protect the kreeëgől's internals from feeling the inertia and GeForce of quickly speeding up and then abruptly slowing down as it collides with the ground, some kreeëgől have been found without this organ, and seem to need time after performing a "jump".

kreeëgől Stomach:
a kreeëgől's diet is soully reliable on minerals have protrusions in their mouth that imitates teeth to help grind and break down their food and a natural internal body temperature similar to what some people would call volcanic, most metals that they digest get reduced to a liquid that sits in their body like a reserve.
It is worth noting that it seems that the kreeëgől only gain some nutritional benefits form these Minorals of Tralir and are struggling to acclimate to this worlds geology. some having clamed that, "non of this stuff is as good as the stuff from home" (Assumedly Gennat or potentially Vox). Gennat & Vox being the moon and meteor belt of Tralir respectively.

This Reserve being around 6 inches deep beneath the surface of the kreeëgől's body. whenever the kreeëgől would be subjected to an injury that would cause their body to crack or chip this reserve is used to effectively clot up the wound with the liquid mineral that resides within which would then rapidly cool and replace the missing space. becaue of this capability it is thought that in enough time there will be no kreeëgől that look like their current "original" state.
There has been no organ found that seems to effect gravity. it is currently assumed that the kreeëgől can effect gravity because of their "origin" material or they are born with an inate connection to gravity similar to a primal born and their primal archatype. because of this hypothosis some people are happy to claim that the kreeëgől are primal organisms, but this is yet to be confirmed.

Genetics and Reproduction

The kreeëgől do not seem to have a way to reproduce, they are assumed to potentially conjure from some ware in outer space.

Growth Rate & Stages

Current Info About Age:

Because the kreeëgől as a race come from space they openly log time in vastly different mesurments and numerics, with the use of the toungs spell as of recordings the kreeëgől's "youngest?" was said to be a couple months old at the size of around 5 foot tall, and the current oldest kreeëgől has yet to met but multiple recording of the kreeëgől claim that the moon was the oldest kreegol pointing to the shards of Vox in the night sky, others saying that as fare as they are aware the oldest alive kreeëgől is named Minic being said to be "ancinet" at over 500 years old.
we have yet to find them but are assuming that they are in crater province of Thiralon or another crater on the world of Tralir.
If this claim is found to be true then that could meen that Vox was (and maybe even Gennat) a kreeëgől, potentualy the reason why Vox shattered was because of reaching criticla mass or something else that makes sence but its the kreeëgől so maybe not... -Enjula Illusiror

Physical Growth:

The Growth rate of a kreeëgől seems to be subjective to their "repairing" behaviour, when a kreeëgől sustains damage that breaks their stony exterior their liquid mineral reserves will clot the wound, often extending or warping beyond their prior spherical small proportions.
In ideal conditions the rest of the body of the kreeëgől will gradually grow to match its new proportions, so that its body can remain spherical and aerodynamic.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Kreeëgől are Geovores; The dietary needs of this animal requires them to eat, minorals, metals or gemstones. Specificly for the kreeëgől their deit requires them to eat metals, altho they seem to eat any form of earthly element they want, likely because in space their isn't often dirts and stones they don't percive the differance.
It seems that a Kreeëgől that consistantly evaid or aren't able to eat metals are likely to experiance a multitude of differate mental or physical sicknesses, here are some that consistant recordings.
  • Lime stone will cause their "origin material" to go from a cobolt or matt navy blue to a pale egg shell white, consitantly exibiting extreme lethargy and brittlness.
  • Mud, clay or dirt will only effect the kreeëgől's exterior, making it so that their healing factor is significantly slowed down.
  • Gem stones will almost imedioutly cause the kreeëgől to throw up a extreamly pressurised or seering melted versions of the gem stone, because of the forge like internal inside of the kreeëgől its assumed that the gemstone causes intence nuasia for them.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Kreeëgől have a the capacity to sense what benefits can be yielded from mineral composites through their improved eye sight.
additionaly the kreeëgől have the ability to sence gravity more than most.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

The Kreeëgől naming conventions are fairly simple, in their common thouge their names directly translates to a type of metal, all of the "First generation" Kreeëgől had very similar name; gold, silver, cobalt, nickel or copper. that was every name, after learning about the culture of Unti naming conventions E.G. john smith. (forename sir name), the Kreeëgől decided to have a descriptor to go before their primary name like a title, with some changing their primary name to more "common" names. example: (descriptor/ title) Sloppy, (Name) George, Sloppy George.

  Descripter/ Title: Brittle, Brutish, Carved, Hungry, Jolly, Rusty, Scratched, Sharp, Shiny, Sleepy, Sloppy.
Primary (Kreeëgőlian) Name: Kruus, Gaanouŕy,Kreteeő, Kreeëgől, Plymooth, <pewter, zinc, bismuth, titanium> Primary (Common) Name: Brass, Alloy, Copper, Cobalt, Stone, Pewter, Zinc, Bismuth, Titanium
Primary (Adapted/ Nickname) Name: Brus, Allay, Capry, Coabin, Stran, Petrer, Zyce, Bozith, Titan

Kreeëgől Racial Traits

Ability score incease
Your constitution score iceases by 2, and you may increase any other ability score by 1.
Kreeëgől range from 4 to 10 foot tall, with spherical builds. your size is medium.
Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Metal Eater
You do not need to drink to survive but you do still need to eat. the Kreeëgől feed on metals and other minorals, to saciate their hunger, and know most every minoral just by looking at it. When you make a Intelligance (History) or Wisdom (Survival) check ralated to defininy a Metal or Minoral you make the check as if you had expertise
Metoeric Jump
As a action you can jump a number of feet equal to your proficenacy bonus time 10, if you colide with something you can treat you collision as an attack roll using dexterity or stength + your proficiancy bonus for the attack, if you succesfuly land the attack you deal damadge equal to a d6 per 10 feet traveled. dealing double damadge to objects and structures.
No Drop Too Far
you ignore fall damadge.
Scientific Name
Kreeëgől Meteorum
Average Height
1.2 - 3.0 meters or 4'00" - 10'00" feet
Geographic Distribution


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