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The Country of magic and discovery believed to be the God land of Galoau (the greater deity of the same concepts).



Found in the Western Continent (formally named Renaret) of overworld Tralir. The land is governed by the metropolis of Nalasolark, with its people listening to their laws and following them but often not seeing any retribution if any rule is broken, because of the greatest rulers of the land being more focused on the happening of Nalasolark than any ware else on Thiralon. The fact of the matter is many places in Thiralon has many problems that likely will not see any progress of being fixed unless someone else dose something about it.


Thiralon is divided in to three different Sectors, easily shown were the borders of the Sects are by the tree rivers that all point outwards from Nalasolark.
the sectors gaining their names from different shards of the now shattered Moon Voxx
  • North-East: Morrot (commonly shortened to Mor or Mot)
  • North-West: Teggut (commonly shortened to Teg or Tut)
  • South: Raffet (commonly shortened to Raf or Ret)


Sect Information:

Each sector is the broken down in to Provinces lead by the largest settlement and often encompassing the surrounding villages of said settlement.


Morrot is considered to have aggressive geography with temperamental weather. cloudy mountain scape, long dormant volcanos, uneasy ground and geysers litter the landscape, with the sect having the nickname of "The Doorway To Below". the sentiments that exist in this Sect are often ready to move and built to be temporary. Thogh there are some permanent settlements and structures. because of this their are more provinces in Morrot than Teg and Raf having 8. but they encompass a lot less settlements and often only engolf themselves and the land close by.

Morrot Provinces:

  • Cliff Edge Province
  • Howling Den Province
  • Shanty Province
  • Golzara Province
  • Mi-Way Province
  • Oosan Province
  • Stop Province
  • Markan Province
Cliff Edge Province:
Cliff Edge is on the western border of the Morrot sector, its leader settlement is a town named Caudry that is built on a steep mountain tops with a couple tiny villages connected to it via rope bridges and ladders. additionally having a bridge connecting to the mountain village of CivilView that is in the Province of West walk in the Teggut Sector.

Howling Den Province:
Howling den is a small isolated village at the centre of the Morrot Sector, its name in reference to the wild salamander wolves that surround the village from three different points. this Province also encompasses a Temple a couple miles north from the village.

Shanty Province:
Shanty Is a Town that somewhat works like a Port altho the Port itself Is Periodicly land locked at certain parts of the year, with every building being a boat intentionaly or otheriwse and the pathways being made boiant in preperation for rising water levels. the fanfair of the location sometime attracts the attention pirates who don't know any better and get stuck in the town for months at a time.

Golzara Province:
Golzara gets its name from the demi-god of the same name (Golzara the demi-god of Volcanos and islands). The Leader settlment is a town named Storn built around a dormant volcano, and has a large amount of the population being the religeous followers of the demigod, even attracting some people who pilgrimadge their way to the town considering the volcanous land scape holy not only to Golzara but also to the Deity that Golzara Derives from Igram.

Mi-Way Province:
Mi-Way is a large ant collonly like series of settlements that are built through the sides of a mountain, its Provance name comming from the Beast race of the same name. becuase of the Provances Rodent tunnal like structure. Its leading settlment being a large Fortress called Artran's Keep and encompasing 3 other villages that has the same structural habits at the keep.

Oosan Province:
Oosan is a Province witch only encompassis itself and the ground bellow it as the town of Smoke is built ontop of a forest of obsidian trees that was formed by the active volcano thats right beside it. the town is increadibly large and performs travel in and out of the town via mounteniring gear and gliding sails.

Stop Province:
Stop is the oldest remaining settlment of Thiralon having existed even before Nalasolark was a Mantopolis and was still a villaga. The Leading settlent being over 7000 year old. the reason why is becuase the Town (that is named stol) is seeming frozen in time (like how pompeii was "preserved" in lava) this place seems to have been froze by some long forgotten magic.

Markan Province:
Marken is a word to describe someone grit, originating from the phrase "endurance as strong as Markan" (a Mortal that assended to demi-godhood), this Provances leading settlment is a campment that has the air of survival at its heart as people of all classes come here to be tempered by the lands evils, althogh not intentional some people see this place as a holy site built Towards Markan and Venor (The god above Markan).


Teggut is considered a very nice land scape composed of wetlands, forests, planes and hills with more fishing villages than Provinces. the Provinces in this sect being the basis for the creation of country wide provances to help with navigation, postage and mapping, Teggut has 5 Provinces;

Teggut Provinces:

  • Mist Vale Province
  • Crater Province
  • West Walk Province
  • Hookline Province
  • Irvank Province
Mist Vale Province:
Mist Vale or Mist Wood is just north of the centre of Teggut, its leading settlement is Tanist, the province encompasses a woods that mysteriously produces hallucinogenic fog from the trees. with the land with in the province being mainly wet lands, with some religions representation towards to the demi god Oo and the goddess Ignis.

Crater Province:
Crater is the most western province of Thirilon, is leading settlments Tragon being the founding settlment aswel having other villages prop up after people leared of themlocations fortune. the hole Province dedicated most all of its energy towards mining, digging out the valuable minerals that are found with the craters that all of the settlements are built around. (Crater was additionaly the first location were the Kreeëgől were found, and now the Kreeëgől can be found everyware and any ware in Overworld Thiralon).

West Walk Province:
West Walk was the first Province ever mapped from the decree of the leaders of Nalasolark, encompasing the hole West walk path and the surrounding villages, in a technical sence the leading settlement is either Nalasolark or the Town Tantor, that is North west of Nalasolark. There is not to help destinguish the Province since it was the first ever made and that is sometime considered its uniqu aspect.

Hookline Privince:
Hookline is the northern most province of Teggut and is additionaly the oddest shapped boarderd Province, as it squeezes between the Mist-Wood and WestWalk Province to incompas another settlement, its claim to uniqueness would be that its the province that engolfs nearly every fishin village and town in Teggut. excluding two in Irvank Province.

Irvak Province:
Irvank is considered to have an odd lay out because of its name comming from a small island that off to the west of Thiralon and name not being named after or illuding to the leading settlment Gossher.


Raffet is sometime considered to be broken in to halfs, because of the Secter having two vastly different biomes that are a part of the Secter as aposted to the other two that are increadibly consistant. half of Raffet is a Desert and the other half is Mountains and high lands. and additionaly the province system is a little different as some sections of the land is instead considred territorys but will still be clasifyed as a Province.

Provinces of Raffet:

  • Trakaan Province/Territory
  • Tovenir Province/Territory
  • Bismith Wall Province
  • South Look Province
Trakaan Province/Territory:
Trakaan (named after the city New Trakaan) acts as their own people and interprit themselves as detasched but allyed with Nalasolak. The province encompases the mountain range that Trakaan Is built within and the settlment that are within its imediut proximity. the culture of the people of Trakaan are that of some called a Blind handed relgion. Theoreticly the region is built around something as strong as a god (or something to the same caliber of strength as a god) but isn't itself sapient. thogh the people of Trakaan have cleric that have the same strength as any other.

Tovenir Province/Territory:
Tovenir is named after the "City". completely encompasing the Stary desert and also consider themselves as seperated from Nalasolark, but do not ally with them, and are activly planning ot war against them. Tovanir's leading settlelment is the developing campent the size of a City called Tovenir. lead by the Tontir family, their politicaly act indopendent and a completely different laws.

Bismith Wall Province:
Bismith Wall is the entire wester coast of Raffet, getting its name from the Bismith Sea, (just a name not actualy bismith). and its high tides causeing many things that with prologed contact to have the Shine that Bismith dose, so the people of the Province made a Tide wall to stay safe form the ocean. (Tide wall + bismith sea = The Bismith Wall). its leading settlment is the town Glenzberg

South Look Province:
South Look only has 3 villages that fill the provinces borders but was larger before Tovenir declared itself indipendent. its purpouse was that there used to be large watch towers on the suthern side of the country built in the Bizmith Sea to keep watch for attacks from the naburing countrys to the south.
Included Locations
Inhabiting Species


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