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The Tutamor are a species of little tiki statue humanoids that have a similar culture to the Kuo-Toa, living in tribes in large swaths and praying to gods of their own make believe, conjuring them with upsetting levels of ease.
Taxonomically classified as such: Animalia, Diadaic, Everdus, *Tutamoria, Sapio, Squati, Golemidae, Sculptura, Tikiea, Gremlin

Basic Information



The Tutamor are small wooden or stone carved tiki people that have no real biology, because they are whatever substance they are (wood or stone) throughout their entire bodies.

Body structure:

the appearance of the Tutamor is that of small 3 foot tall humanoids with masks (sometime attached other times carried) depicting an expression with large propotions for the facial features. tribes often have noticable variations to their appearance common veriations can be seen in the list bellow:
  • Large upper build with arms and legs shortening the further away from the body,
  • Large feet and or hands,
  • The tops of their heads having carving depicting hats,
  • Eyes on the side of the head instead of the front,
  • Pronounced bellys,
  • Ever glowing eyes,

Genetics and Reproduction

The Tutamor do not reproduce via conventional means, having the ability and requiring to reproduce by carving Tiki figures to specific proportion and performing a ritual to grow in numbers. "Genetically" or more so aesthetically the Tutamor are given their appearance by the Carver or Carvers of the tribe (a role which one or more Tutamor have that has them spend their time making more Tutamor). Often having some kind of "generational" or Bach consistency to identify when they were "Born", such as the variations bullet pointed above.

Growth Rate & Stages

The Tutamor being comprised of dead wood or ordinary stone remain the same size from birth to death, most if not all of the Tutamor are around 4'05" feet tall, any larger and they are classed as a different species and seem to also require a different ritual to awaken.

Ecology and Habitats

Preferred Environment:

The Tutamor live on islands around the lower hemisphere of Tralir, setting sail every so many years finding more uncharted islands and setting up new Totems. some culture visit larger land bodies but its a rare occurrence.

Noticeable Contractions:

While a Totem of Tutamor live some ware they will set up Gradians that depict their pantheon of deities, and Totems Pillars that act as charms or clerical cites that perform some function; like reducing or increasing rain storms, preventing high tide from encroaching on settlements, growing Tutamor Wood for carvers.
Beyond the initial noticeable wooden giant and pillar the Tutamor settlements are very easily identified because of their means of logging history being interact, carving on living native trees. and their houses and tools composing of the immediate environment. making small huts using twigs and leaves, fishing rods and hunting equipment made of Bone and Stone from the local rocks and animals.

Abandoned settlements:

An abandoned or destroyed Tutamor settlement will usually happen after the Tutamor have accidently depleted to many resources and need to find new ones or might have been wiped out by a predator of some kind. Left over Totem pillars that will be performing the task it was initially made for can sometimes also be found in deserted settlements, as time passes if left to its own devices the Pillars can become sapient, turning in to a creature called an Spirit Tower.
Finding abandoned totem always have interesting finds and often persistent security. them DAMB guardians often stay waiting to act upon their duty's and there always guarding the one interesting thing! >:( - The Artificer


The Tutamor have a couple predators on most notable is the Giant Searing Sap Woodpecker. A monstrous large fire breathing woodpecker similarly sized to a Periten, the Tutamor have a aggressive territorial response to whenever they see one, guarding their carvers and attacking them on sight. If the Totem is lucky and are able to kill one they will strip it for parts and store its remains as resources to perform rituals to construct and awaken Guardians, or as resources to provide fire proofing to their settlements.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Tutamor have a social sctructer that has them live in groups and or possitions, the Most identifyable are the Hunters, Exploreres, Carvers, and Tuners. taking from the Totem that lives across the Sacreen Islands a masive archapeligo of spans between Thiralon and Ethucar, Thier occupation or role have identifyers listed bellow;


In the Sacreen Islands all Tutamor start as a "hunter" or "warrior" having no acsenting to their appearance as they gain accsenting based on their achivments making them a tapestry of their history or if they get promoted to a new role. A Sacree Tutamor hunter will have a ditachable mask that they always carry with them, their masks depiction have defining features that help them be identifyed, every mask is uniqu in descine all having the ability to emit a roaring glow from the opening for the eyes and mouth, making them appeare to have a fiery and infuratied visage. additionaly the Tutamor themselves will have spiked carving lining their dome to depict a helmet.


A Sacree Tutamor explorer all have water and mountain element carvings lining their bodys as forms of protections to enture safety when traveling on the sea and in the lands were there predators set their nests.


A Sacree Tutamor Carver has the mosts defined appearance being covoured in ridged carding that encompase their enire body, each as uniqu as a finger print. Their bodys often also haveing some kind of accented colours composing of multiple different wood types instead of the traditional Tutamor which will only compose of Tutamor wood.


A Sacree Tutamor Tuner will often have feathers or other colourful things lining the top of their mask and attached to their body. most often the feathers coming from a Giant Searing Sap Woodpecker, a common predator of the Tutamor but others might have shells or carapase segements from local fauna aswel, these additional features being used to display significance (the more colourful and decorated a Tutamor is the more significant they are on the Sacreen islands)
additionaly the Tutamore Tuner will have a different glowing light that emits from their mask, anyware ranging from blue to purple.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

the Tutamor have been heavly inspired my polanician and howian creation myth and becuase of that i don't want to basterdise naming conventions for the names the Tutamor name them selves what they like commonly naming them with polanitian or howian names.

Tutamor Racial Traits

Ability Score Increase
Your Inteligance score goes up by 2 and you may increase any other ability score by 1.
All Tutamore are 4'6". your size is small.
You base walking speed is 25 feet.
You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
God Sculpters
You gain proficiancy in the Arcana or Religion skill and one other skill of your choice.
Tiki Visage
As an action you can activate your mask for a minute while the mask is active you have advantage on all skill checks of one ability score group of your choice, you can use this ability once before needing to take a short or long rest regain it.
Inate luck
When you or someone else makes a d20 dice roll you can use your reaction to add a bonus to the "die result" (meaning that you can turn a 19 in to a "natural" 20. if the die result surpasses 20 it is still considered a critical success). the bonuse being equal to your half your proficiancy bonus rounded down, you can use this ability an amount of time equal to half your proficiancy bonus, regaining uses after taking a long rest.
Scientific Name
Tikiea Gremlin
hypothetically immortal
Average Height
1.3 meters or 4'05" feet
Geographic Distribution


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