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Blood-Eyed Moose

A large elusive moose-like beast that can detect threats using it's multiple-pupiled eyes.


by Butcher (via Midjourney)
Standing at an intimidating 9 foot 10 (3m~), The Blood-Eyed Moose is a quadruped megafauna with a strong front side used for grasping and defence.   Though within its name, the only characteristics the creature shares with the North American Moose are the anatomy of their heads and antlers; a long sagging face with gargantuan horns that branch out much like trees.   Its tree-trunk limbs are mighty, allowing the creature to push through dense forests with little resistance.   One of the most distinct characteristics of the Blood-Eyed Moose is its eyes. Each eye socket is surrounded by a red rim, which brings attention to its orange-illuminating eyes. These eyes consist of multiple irises and pupils surrounding the entire eyeball.   This abnormal bit of anatomy allows the Blood-Eyed Moose to have a 360-degree field of view, preventing any predators from ambushing it.   Additionally, its eyes allow for heightened awareness of threats. Being able to escape the area before a predator can even acknowledge its presence.


by Butcher (via Midjourney)
Their large stature does not coincide with their nature, tending to be rather lax and passive with most around it.   The Blood-Eyed Moose is incredibly evasive, often running from the area before danger reveals itself.   Their biggest vulnerability is their sleep cycles. When asleep, the Blood-Eyed Moose will not have the ability to sense threats around it, allowing for packs of predators to gain an advantage and eviscerate the beast.   With this conundrum, the beast retreats to its lair which can vary from caves to abandoned barns.   They are not inherently predatory but are incredibly protective when confronted with aggression. When the option of escaping is not viable, The Blood-Eyed Moose will hold it's ground, using its massive physique, extending antlers, and powerful front feet to crush and distance any threats surrounding it.


The Blood-Eyed Moose is one of the earliest known anomalous monsters witnessed by European Settlers back when the East Coast colonies were still being settled.   Trying to find food sources, the Europeans would attempt to hunt the giant beast. Only to be proven to be futile with its evasive capabilities. But persistent hunters would follow the tracks until eventually locating what animal it was, leading to an enclosed area where the strange beast resides.   In a confrontation with the Blood-Eyed Moose, and seeing no alternative, the creature attacked the hunting party. Maiming the hunters to the point of retreat, and causing resistance in tracking the creature as a viable food source.


Most common sightings of the beast are found in deep Canadian wilds. The cold climates and dense forestry allow the Blood-Eyed Moose to thrive. To keep out of harsh weather, the moose would find an enclosed area to rest and mate in. These lairs can vary from caverns, abandoned houses, under bridges, or groves.   They are a bit more scarce within the United States but are mainly located in the northeast part of the country. Consisting of the states:  
  • Maine, USA
  • New Hampshire, USA
  • Vermont, USA
  • New York, USA
  • Michigan, USA


by Butcher (via Midjourney)
The Blood-Eyed Moose is one of the few anomalistic fauna to reproduce in the wild. A female moose will carry the calves for eight months. Giving birth to a batch of 1-3 calves.   A calf will reach full maturity in three years, with a life expectancy at a staggering fifty years.

Dietary Needs

The Blood-Eyed Moose is a vegetarian. Often eating ferns, leaves, and moss. Needing to consume almost 70,000 calories a day, the creature would spend most of its day foraging for food.

Hunting a Blood-Eyed Moose

One of the most elusive monsters to hunt, The Blood-Eyed Moose will always outrun trappers ; sensing them before anyone can get sight of one.   It is also difficult to trap one with snares and steel jaws due to their perceptive behaviour.   The only advantage in disposing of one is to stake out their lair and attack the beast while it slumbers. Their all-seeing eyes are not active when asleep, allowing most trappers to approach the beast more easily.   Trappers would spend days intentionally scaring off the beast until dark when it would retreat to its lair for rest. With their large stature, tracking them isn't as difficult as the trail of destruction is rather obvious.   It has incredibly thick hide and muscles; which would take many bullet rounds to drop it, at the cost of ruining the quality of the pelt.   The best method is to aim for its head. More specifically any visible orifice such as its nostrils or ears. This results in maximum stopping power with fewer rounds of ammunition used.   Attacking its eyes to blind it is also a valid method but at the cost of losing one of the most valuable parts of the body that can be sold for almost $200 an eye.
"Its often hard to acknowledge its existence. As soon as you touch the first blade of grass in the forest, it charges away without a second thought."
- Abigail Doncaster, Ignozoologist, 1855
1C Cattle
9'10" (300cm~)
1200lbs (544kg~)
Monster Moose, All-Seer, The Great Nothing


$80 - $110 (depending on quality)
$200 each
by Butcher (via Midjourney)
Pictured Above: An illustration of a Blood-Eyed Moose in the children's story 'Phineas in Philidelphia', 1888


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