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Dogs Breath Ammunition

A highly-popular ammunition that emits a strong reddish-orange blast. This ammunition has immense stopping power and is graded for large beasts and anomalous threats. Used commonly by trappers to hunt and protect.


by Butcher (via Midjourney)
Dogs Breath, also known as Red Tracers and Shredders, are a line of high-grade cartridges developed by the McIntyre and Sons Company.   Is used much like any other cartridge for firearms: Loading the ammo into the firearm's chamber, and squeezing the trigger to release the firing pin to set off the charge.   Has a much more powerful stopping power than average consumer cartridges. This allows the projectile to penetrate much stronger surfaces while still maintaining a small impact radius upon collision. Can penetrate wood, thin sheets of metal, and thick hide/reinforced skins.   This makes Dogs Breath highly sought after by local trappers. Buying frequently and in bulk. Statistics showing that the introduction of Dogs Breath to the public has decreased monster fatalities by 27% and increased fur trading earnings by almost 40%   With even the trailblazing ammunition being quoted by the U.S. Department of Supernatural Affairs as "the greatest saving grace we've had in this war with the unknown."   In some instances, shopkeeps and gunsmiths would jack up the price in renowned fur trading towns such as Woodend, Montana and Buxton, North Dakota .  


Below is an inventory list depicting pricings of a box of Dog Breath today (1890). Keep noted, that these prices may double in local fur trading posts.  
Name of StockCalibrePricing
Dogs Breath .32 (Box of 80) .32 $1.60
Dogs Breath .40 Red Tracers (Box of 60) .40 $1.20
Dogs Breath .44 Red Tracers (Box of 60) .44 $1.20
Dogs Breath .45 Red Tracers (Box of 50) .45 $1.50
Dogs Breath .58 Red Tracers (Box of 50) .58 $1.50
Dogs Breath .348 Shredders (Box of 30) .348 $2.00
Dogs Breath .405 Shredders (Box of 30) .405 $2.00


by Butcher (via Midjourney)

Patented Gunpowder

The McIntyre and Sons Company is world-known for firearm manufacturing. Attempting to pioneer alternatives in gunpowder material, the company began experimenting with many other elements to substitute saltpetre (potassium nitrate).   With years of development, A non-disclosed material was found to be highly effective. The company patented the new gunpowder recipe and marketed it as the brand we know of today.   Combining sulphur, charcoal, and a signature secret ingredient resulted in a red emission of the cartridge's charge once set off.   The name 'Dogs Breath' was coined from the ammunition's smell which had a much more potent scent of sulphur than regular cartridges; resulting in a sort of heinous smell on par with a dog's panting breath.  

Mojave Goldmine Incident

In 1849, a small mining camp in the middle of the Mojave woke up to the sound of a large explosion. Their peripherals blinded in red. Tents were set alight and many families scattered in safety. Three people perished in the incident, with many suffering intense burns or injuries.   What insighted the explosion is unknown. But its location was isolated within the natural mining site the camp set up next to.    Local miners were exploring natural cave systems in the Mojave in hopes of tapping clean a silver or gold mine. Instead were disappointed to find a small cave with nothing but small blackstone orbs that coated the cave walls.   In 1850, the McIntyre and Sons Company purchased the land surrounding the cave.
by Butcher (via Midjourney)
Pictured Above: A box of Dogs Breath .44 Cartridges packaged with its signature canine design, 1890
"The shots that won the west."
- Dogs Breath slogan, 1890
Date of Development
Firearm - Ammunitions
Patent Holder
Exclusive patent under the MCintyre and Sons Company

Cover image: by Butcher (via Midjourney)


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