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You'll Never Die on Blackberry Pie

An urban legend about eating blackberry pie daily will let you live forever. There's no legitimate evidence for this claim.

Blackberry Properties

Blackberries have a special property in protecting people against wicked spirits that may haunt a person or location. Often woven into wreaths and hung at the front door, blackberries are powerful talismans that prevent the unnecessary invitation of sentient horrors such as demons.   The only drawback to his powerful talisman was its limited use, as wreaths would tend to dry up within a few weeks, along with its special properties.

The Wrong Conclusion

With the small time frame blackberry wreaths are potent, many citizens wishing to protect themselves in the untamed west would come to illogical revelations.   One being the simple consumption of blackberries would absorb into your body and so too will its warding properties. Though blackberries were a suitable diet of the time, the tall tale exploded the demand for blackberries. With most forests picked clean to source them and even bakeries sold out of any blackberry desserts the moment they open.   Doctors would often infuse their tonics and medicine with blackberry juice in the vent of certainty the claims were true.

The 'Immortal' Fruit

But more began overvaluing its usefulness. Rumors and tales that blackberries could theoretically make you immortal. Suggestible individuals ask themselves: are our souls within our body considered spirits? would that justify that eating these berries daily would prevent our souls from leaving our body?   Thus, the immortal words of "You'll never die on blackberry pie" became unanimous with health. People would consume blackberries on a daily. Every berry, every slice of dessert would be a day cheated from death. Elderly citizens fearing for the pearly gates would buy our supplies at any market selling.   Bakeries became goldmines. With blackberry pies becoming a staple to most holiday feasts. A gesture that giving to family and friends is a way of giving blessing of good health and eternal life to them   Blackberries turned into a rare commodity, with supply not being able to match the demand from customers. It became a scarce food source, affecting the local wildlife needing to survive off forageable fruit.         -   people eating
"A hundred? Don't be so idiotic. With how fast i'm eating them i'll outlive you all!"
- Maggie Allibaster, Elderly Senior on her average consumption of blackberries, 1880
Setting of Origin
North America
Date of Origin
1790 - Present
Special Properties
Warding off spirits, demons, and natural death

Cover image: by Butcher (via Midjourney)


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Jul 10, 2024 14:29 by Marc Zipper

V what a cool article I love what the blackberry can do starts off with what it can do and then moves into a total myth awesome story

Let's have fun creating the impossible, building new worlds, and all types of possibilities. Valcin
Aug 21, 2024 19:00

After reading your articles, I really do hope that the enormous amount of blackberry I ate as a kid means something. :)