Curator Rank/Title in Traveling Magic | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Curators are the "owners" of Places That Are and as such are the central figure of the Place and the ritual to create it. Their attitude to the place, their hopes for the future and their outlook on people will affect the character of the Place That Is once it is created.   Conducting the Home on the Range ritual is not a mundane thing. It requires significant planning and at least one person to assist and to take the metaphorical place of "reality". Usually, They Who Make are asked to take that place. The curator needs to understand why they want to have a Place That Is of their own and understand their own intention in order for the ritual to succeed.   There's very little knowledge about what happens when this intention is not there or not well understood, for when One Who Makes finds there is not enough preparation, or the curator is not taking their responsibility seriously they will usually stop supporting and refuse to conduct the ritual.

Cover image: Mountain Walk by Lili Popper


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