Home on the Range Spell in Traveling Magic | World Anvil
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Home on the Range

Places That Are are like islands drifting in the vast sea of time and space that makes up the world of Traveling Magic. Creating them, however, is no small feat. Anyone can set up camp and keep out watchers at all times, but creating a place that doesn't change as far as you can see even when the inhabitants are not watching requires the services of One Who Makes, a trained professional from the Travelers Association..   The key to creating a successful Place That Is lies with the future "owner", called a Curator. One Who Makes will assist, but the bond between the land and the future owner is what shapes the character of the Place That Is and therefore, it leads the ritual with the guidance of the One Who Makes. The ritual becomes a deeply personal thing with its material needs depending on the hopes and ideas of the curator.   It mainly serves to justify to the land - or reality, depending on your interpretation - why it should stop changing freely and bow to the Curators vision of this spot. Therefore, the most vital thing to the ritual is the preparation part, where One Who Makea guides the future curator to understand their intention and shape their vision. This period also serves to decide what material components are needed for the ritual, and it is not rare to have a builder involved if parts of the house are the symbol of the Curator's intention   Almost always, however, does the ritual include a hearthfire as a central locus of power called a Tether. In most cases the ritual culminates with the creation of the kitchen, leaving the hearthfire as the heart and soul of the Place That Is and in the responsibility of the curator. A baker might finish the ritual by baking the first loaf of bread, while a brewer might prepare a special ale for the ripening.   Curators whose profession does not involve hearthfires or cooking may create their favorite food or bring an offering that's special to them. A hunter might bring part of his mightiest prey to offer to the flames of his new home.   During the ritual proper, They Who Make take on the metaphorical part of the land. In ritualized manner they question the curator-to-be and demand clarity on their intentions and plans. At this point, They Who Make have no control over the ritual anymore. They are merely a vessel that watches the ritual unfold, and this is yet another reason why the preparation phase is so important, for it is impossible to hide a curator's true intention during the ritual.   If a potential curator turns out to be ill-intentioned, for example trying to establish a bandit hideout or a slave camp, the land may not necessarily object, but usually They Who Make do, depending on their disposition. After a few incidents where One Who Makes did not return, the Travelers Association has taken precautions to make sure their members are never completely alone when sent out on a mission. It is unclear how, but it seems to be some kind of tracking spell, since ever since there have been no unexplained disappearances of their members - however, it turns out that sacrificing their ritual guide with their remains acting as a tether has been incredibly efficient in creating malevolent Place That Is viciously loyal to its curator.

Cover image: Mountain Walk by Lili Popper


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