Traveller A mission of utmost secrecy.
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A mission of utmost secrecy.



H.A.R.D.O.N. begins their expedition to retrieve the lost ship "Perfect Stranger."

H.A.R.D.O.N is contacted by Sergeant Major Donovan Johnson regarding a vessel named “Perfect Stranger” that needs to be retrieved. It was used to for the lack of a better word, spy on The Islands Subsectors. Some crew had come back to imperium space, but there was one issue - they were dead. Their belongings were gone.   H.A.R.D.O.N. is to retrieve the Perfect Stranger and deliver it to an imperial representative at Zulflucht. If the ship is in a state that it cannot be delivered, they must bring the data cores with them to the imperial representative. Failiure is not an option.

Related Location
The Islands Subsectors
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Islands in the mist