Traveller Islands in the mist Timeline
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Islands in the mist

This timeline follows the adventures of the Islands in the mist campaign.

  • 1105


    A mission of utmost secrecy.

    H.A.R.D.O.N. begins their expedition to retrieve the lost ship "Perfect Stranger."

  • 1105


    12 /3

    Travelling in jump space.
    Population Migration / Travel

    The party takes Regis Fulben's ship "Shaniqua" and starts their journey to Amondiage

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  • 1105

    12 /3

    Population Migration / Travel

    The party arrives at Amondiage. Jack Joseph who is the head of border security gets suspicious of them. Vic Maker bullies Jacks son, making Jack really dislike the party. They leave the starport and check in at the watermelon hotel.

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  • 1105

    12 /3 16:00

    Amondiage's most wanted
    Life, Crime

    The dictator Motifa Quintana issues a global alert regarding agents of a third part threatening the safety and sovereignty of Amondiage. Motifa Quintana issued a curfew at 8PM for non-governmental workers & implored citizens of Amondiage to report any suspicious activity to the authorities.

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