Crosteron Geographic Location in Tread of Darkness | World Anvil
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Crosteron (CROHS-tuhr-ohn)

Located at the edge of the galaxy, Crosteron is the home planet of the mysterious Crestantos, who are believed to be extinct. Crosteron has a nearly mythical status in history, especially because it was supposedly created by the Rainbow Crestanto, who is also known as the Celestial of creation.
I designed my planet very carefully. The core of crystal, hollowed so I could live there, the fields and mountains, the deep oceans, the temperature, and especially the asteroid field. My children would need to be safe there.
— the Rainbow Crestanto


Crosteron is a fantasy/paradise-class world. Although no one has visited it in thousands of years, records still exist of its appearance and traits. According to the classification system, Crosteron is a fantasy world. The plants and animals found on its surface and within its oceans cannot be found anywhere else. However, the regenerative cycles of this planet were known to be much faster than other planets and Crosteron can therefore be classified as paradise too.  
by Lilliana Casper
Much of Crosteron's surface is rock or grass, with two large oceans on opposite sides of the planet. Forests are few and far between, usually appearing at the foot of mountains or along ocean shores. Plains and mountains are common, with mountain ranges stretching in twisted channels across the planet and fields of short grasses stretching for miles between them.
  Studies done by top Crestanto scientists have shown that although most of the planet is layered with rock and water like most planets, deep inside the exact center of the planet is a core of pure crystal with a krohgan count higher than any other Crestanto in existence. Because of its magic, Crestanto scientists have been unable to determine whether it is solid or hollow. Some believe the Rainbow Crestanto may be located within this core, either having transformed into it or currently residing in a cave inside of it.  
Surrounding the planet is an enormous asteroid field denser and more dangerous than any other field in the galaxy. The field can be controlled to some extent by the Crestanto royal family and can be set so that only a Crestanto can navigate it (Lockdown Mode) or so that skilled pilots who know the way can get through (Peace Mode). The asteroid field has been set to Lockdown since the Crestantos left the rest of the galaxy behind.
I suppose I could try to lower the field. I'm not sure if I should, though. It's been so long since we met those from outside and last time we Crestantos spread through the galaxy, we were enslaved and killed. I'm not willing to take the risk.
— Queen Marble


Crosteron was created thousands of years ago by a Celestial known as the Rainbow Crestanto. The Rainbow Crestanto also created the Crestanto species, modeling them after herself. It is unknown exactly when she created Crosteron and the Crestantos, nor is it known which one was created first. When Crosteron was first created, it was overrun by terrifying creatures known as wargarogs. The wargarogs hunted the Crestantos and it took many years before the Crestantos defeated the creatures and built their civilization.  
by Lilliana Casper
The first city of Crosteron was built in an open field surrounded by mountains. The first king of Crosteron, a Crestanto named Pitch, claimed that his mother had designed the area for that purpose exactly. Pitch had led the Crestantos against the wargarogs and the people followed him eagerly, building the capital out of a combination of natural materials from the planet and their body crystal. The city was built with the royal palace at the center and a square in front that streets branched out from.
  Over the next few hundred years, more cities were built across the planet, although none had quite the same grandeur and size as the first one. Crestanto technology advanced too, allowing them to build and travel faster, but their technology always remained self-sufficient and supplemented with magic. The Crestantos never mined or drilled deep into their planet and were careful to conserve natural resources, even though they regenerated rather quickly.   Somewhere around 4000 BPC, groups of Crestantos left their planet to explore the galaxy. Other species were not kind to them, seeking to exploit their crystal and strength. The Crestantos were able to prevent anyone from reaching their planet, thanks especially to the asteroid field. The Crestantos returned to Crosteron somewhere around 3500 to 3000 BPC after years of being hunted, killed, and enslaved. The current king then activated the asteroid's Lockdown Mode and closed Crosteron off from the galaxy.  
A few thousand years later, the Crestanto conflict against the Dieganins began. The Dieganins were able to bypass the asteroid field because of their similarity to the Crestantos and fought against them for several years. Despite their weaker nature, the Dieganins had rage on their side, and slowly overpowered the Crestantos. The war ended after a Crestanto scientist named Charcoal created a mysterious superweapon and was forced to destroy most of the Dieganin fleet with it. Charcoal died using the weapon and the flawed plans for the weapon were lost in his journals.
No one here will ever know my father's secrets. I have locked his journals away, far from the eyes of the other scientists, where one day someone smarter than him may decode them, discover his secrets, and fix their flaws. But that person is not living now and I can only pray they will not use his inventions for evil..
— Lime, Charcoal's son
  Since the war, no one has come or gone from Crosteron, leaving most of the galaxy to believe in their extinction or nonexistence. While both scientists, historians, and powerful mages believe in their existence and suspect they are still alive, most of the galaxy believes they were myths that, if they did exist, are certainly gone now. Even the location of Crosteron is unknown, with only the memory of its presence in the outer edges of the galaxy as a clue.
by Lilliana Casper
Alternative Name(s)
The Crystal Planet
Included Locations
Fantasy or Paradise


Crosteron experiences all four seasons, but all within a certain temperature range. Winter is never colder than 20 degrees Fahrenheit and summer is never hotter than 85. The planet is also slightly dryer than the average planet and rainfall usually comes in short bursts without much cloud cover. The sun is often shining, but the thick atmosphere prevents damage to the skin. Crestantos can use the sunlight as energy rather than relying on food.
by Lilliana Casper

Flora & Fauna

As a fantasy-class world, Crosteron has hundreds of species unique to it. One example is the wargarogs that covered the planet until the Crestantos hunted them to extinction. The wargarogs were terrifying beasts both large and strong enough to take down an adolescent Crestanto without much trouble. Another example is the crystal songs, small birds about six inches tall with translucent feathers and beautiful voices. The two major tree species on Crosteron cannot be found anywhere else in the galaxy. Both are incredibly durable and can only be cut by Crestanto crystal. The oceans are host to even more species, many of which have not been recorded by Crestanto naturalists.
And on this battlefield they stand,
Cursed Prince and Royal Champion.
A war fought centuries ago
Ends today upon this moon.
Prince of Crestanto, Champion of Dieganin,
Locked in battle with each other,
Around them fight their armies and
The nine that save the world.
Only one shall slay the other,
No other can until they duel.
One shall triumph, one shall live,
Their peoples' fate held in their heart.
— excerpt from "Prophecy of the Racarin" dictated by Lime and written by Birch

City of Culture

The gem of Crosteron is its capital city, Emerrez. Divided into districts and connected by roads that eventually lead to the square in front of the palace, Emerrez is one of the oldest settlements in the world. It was built after the Hunt that drove the Wargarogs into extinction. It is defended by five towers with powerful weapons. A shield can be generated by the towers. The towers have only been used during the Charcoal War to fend off the Dieganins. 3 million Crestantos live there currently and many visit for both business and tourism. Like most Crestanto architecture, the buildings of Emerrez are made with a frame of wood, stone, or metal and occasionally covered with crystal. The royal palace is the grandest building in the city and has truly stunning architecture.

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