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Also known as the "Planet of Eternal War", Denironia is a wasteland/fantasy class planet located in an isolated sector of the Janya Galaxy's middle rim. It is famous for being the home planet of the Denironians, a sentient species obsessed with war, and for its dangerous phenomena.
Everything here wants to kill you...and can.
— a scholar about Denironia


Denironia's classification is difficult to decide, but most geologists list it as either fantasy or wasteland. Geographically speaking, Denironia should be classified as a wasteland, but its strange phenomena and native species often cause the other classification. In the entire galaxy, no planet has such a dangerous ecosystem as Denironia, where nearly every plant is poisonous, every animal is dangerous, and even the landscape looks hellish.  
The surface of Denironia is solid gray rock and cold ocean. While hills, rocky plains, and mountains are common, forests are incredibly rare. There are three continents, with the ocean separating each by several hundred miles in each direction. Islands occasionally pierce the surface of the eerie blue water, silent and still with only the cold, churning waves filled with sharp teeth to offer company. These islands often occur in chains or groupings and are likely created by volcanic vents on the ocean floor.
by Lilliana Casper
  Denironia's water is blue due to a chemical reaction caused by the planet's atmosphere, likely related to the same one that causes the sky to appear red from the surface. At certain times of year, the rain is acidic. The clouds are also red, although they darken when heavy and lighten when thin. Maroon clouds mean rain. Trees are usually gray or black, and the grass is a sickly golden color.  
Most of them live in the Death Plains, but some live in mountain caves. They're both terrible places to be. Plains, they can see you. Caves, they can trap you.
— a Denironian hunter
Bonehunters, a predatory species native to Denironia, sometimes live in dark tunnels hollowed out in mountain ranges. The rock of these mountain tunnels has a volcanic appearance, with bubbly edges and holes in the walls. On the rest of the planet, the ground is hard and cracked, with jagged gravel between the sheets of rock. Bonehunters also live in these plains.
  Denironians live in city-states ruled by local lords, who all obey the continent's king. Most of the population is centralized on one continent and even the other two "kings" bow to the ruler of the main continent. Most cities are built on plains or mountain ranges and the area around them is modified by the denizens to make life easier.


Denironia was discovered by species very similar to Denironians, known only as the Ancients. They discovered and explored the planet during a period referred to as the Conquest of Ancients (CA in Denironian timelines). This time is roughly equivalent to 9000 BPC. This era lasted exactly 252 years. During this time, the planet's atmosphere changed the Ancients until they evolved into the Denironians of today.  
Following the Conquest of Ancients, Denironia split into fiefdoms and city-states that were ultimately ruled by a pair of twins, Queen Lilith the Great and King Ezekial the Mage. The twins kept all the other leaders in check, instituted laws, and worked together to rule. Queen Lilith's children, another pair of twins, continued this form of monarchy. Although this era is known by Denironians as the Age of Twins (AT), many referred to it as the golden age of Denironia. The Age of Twins lasted 3,028 years before King Vladimir the Victorious had his sister Queen Zeruah killed and instituted a male-dominant monarchy.
Queen Lilith by Lilliana Casper
  The Time of Kings (TK) has lasted 6,720 years. When the rest of the galaxy entered its major era of exploration, several planets sent scouts to Denironia. The kings ruling during those times learned from the offworlders and used their knowledge to build limited technology. Some of these visitors managed to return to their homes, but most were killed. Since then, no one has attempted to conquer Denironia or set up a trade. The risks of both the planet and its dominant species far outweigh any profits.
by Lilliana Casper
Alternative Name(s)
The Planet of Eternal War
Included Locations
Wasteland or fantasy


Denironia has two seasons, summer and winter. In between these are two short periods of excessive rainfall (before summer) and extreme dryness (before winter). During the summer, the temperature is very high (usually between 90-110 degrees Fahrenheit) while winter drops significantly (usually 0-20 degrees Fahrenheit). Denironia is extremely dry during both winter and summer and rainfall is rare except just before summer.

Flora & Fauna

Every single plant and animal found on Denironia is native and cannot be found anywhere else. While minerals can be found elsewhere, the trees, grass, and few surviving crop species are suited perfectly for Denironia's atmosphere and likely would not last on other planets. Similarly, the living creatures have adapted to the environment and would either die out or destroy the native wildlife of other planets. As has been stated by many scholars, every animal on the planet is dangerous in some way.
That's a bonehunter. Little bigger than a hydra, huh?
— Drago

Dangers & Disasters

Denironia is known for two things: the violent culture of the Denironians and the extremely dangerous environment. One of these environmental dangers is the rain. Just before summer is a period of high rainfall and water is usually collected during this time. However, if rainfall occurs during the summer or winter, it is extremely dangerous to Denironians and several other native species. The rainfall during this time becomes acidic due to chlorine vents that release the chemical into the air.   Many of the islands in Denironia's ocean are volcanic and release large amounts of sulfur and carbon dioxide into the air and atmosphere. While neither chemical is dangerous to native species, they are to any introduced species. Denironians can hike and explore the volcanoes with ease, but other sentient species cannot.

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Cover image: by Lilliana Casper


Author's Notes

The environment isn't exactly ever-changing, nor is it prone to disasters, but it is extremely dangerous. Edit as of September 17: Picture of Denironian ocean islands and information about islands.

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Jul 6, 2024 12:38 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I'm adding Denironia to my list of places I never want to visit. What a hostile planet. I love the idea of a twin monarchy - what a shame that came to a violent end. Great article. :)

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Jul 7, 2024 03:15 by Lilliana Casper

Yeah, no one really goes here voluntarily. Thank you for reading!

Lilliana Casper   I don't comment much, but I love reading your articles! Please check out my worlds, Jerde and Tread of Darkness.