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Interview With Terria Jordan

Published in late 999 APC, this article appeared in Junior Geranium Post. The article consisted of an interview between the author and a CKG Pilot named Terria Jordan. Many question its authenticity because of its publication in such a small tabloid.
I saw your interview the other day, Terria! I'm happy you think all that.
— Jace Adams, commander of Ruby Squadron


Some believe this article is a stunt to garner attention for the relatively small tabloid Junior Geranium Post, a magazine series aimed at kids 10-15. Others believed it was an attempt at advertising for the CKGs, although why the organization currently in control of North Geranium would resort to a teen tabloid is beyond anyone. Many think the entire interview was staged or possibly entirely fictional.  
Well, only kids read that crap. Why would I? It's nonsense.
— A parent
No one seems to consider that the article's author asked on a whim and Terria thought it would be fun. Neither has anyone asked the kids who have read the article what they think. Actually, has anyone older than the targetted age range even read it?
Text, Magazine
Authoring Date
October, 999 APC
by Lilliana Casper

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Cover image: by Lilliana Casper


Author's Notes

I spent way too much time writing that interview. Also, most of it was written during a very long bus ride. I might have to change dates at some point, my timeline isn't perfectly worked out.

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