Baerlian’s Syndrome

A degenerative disease that causes gradual loss of spellcasting ability.


This condition is generally believed to be caused by unused spell energy being repeatedly held for too long. If a spellcaster has the ability to prepare and cast powerful magics, and doesn't make use of the energy then it can cause damage to the brain. The damage is small and if it only occurs occasionally it will heal naturally, but if it occurs repeatedly over years it can reach a point where natural healing becomes impossible. Once this point is reached the damage will spread regardless of the casters spell usage.
Some have suggested that overcasting beyond the mind's capacity may also trigger this syndrome but to date there have been no studies to verify this.


The earliest signs of this syndrome are the afflicted having difficulty casting some of their more powerful spells. Since many casters don't make use of such spells on a regular basis this can mean the symptoms go unnoticed for years, with any struggles being attributed to a lack of practice.   As the disease progresses the caster will completely lose their ability to cast powerful magic and lesser spells will become more difficult to cast. Over time even lesser magics will become impossible to cast until eventually the caster is completely unable to use magic at all.   In the later stages when magic is almost completely inaccessible to the afflicted it is not uncommon for them to begin hallucinating that their spells are still working.


If this is detected early enough, before much casting capacity has been lost, then a carefully controlled course of spellcasting by the afflicted will allow the body to heal naturally. However, the nature of the condition is such that it is rarely caught that early.   If the syndrome is detected within the first year then the progression may be halted by repeated application of powerful healing magic and a regime of spellcasting for the afflicted. Such healing magic does not come cheaply with only the most wealthy able to afford it.   If the symptoms progress for more than a year then even healing magics will be unable to treat the condition. The best that can be managed is usually to help suppress the hallucinations that occur in the later stages.


Although not fatal, spellcasting is such a fundamental part of the lives of those who suffer from this condition that they can feel like their life is over. In elven lands where spellcasting is a feature of everyday life, it can leave those in the later stages feel like they have been crippled.  
The desperation caused by this condition puts elves afflicted with it on a watch list by the Lunar Owls.
The prospect of losing magic can cause some to take extreme steps. Some may seek for otherworldly patrons who can stave off the loss of power, and some turn to the insane pursuit of lichdom. Desperate quests for lost healing artefacts are also not uncommon.
Affected Species
All Casting
The damage caused to the brain affects all forms of spellcasting so even the spellweavers who combine nature and arcane casting will loss access to both aspects of their powers. This doesn't stop some casters from desperately trying to learn another form of magic to regain their powers.  
Of course humans aren't affected. Who ever heard of a human that knew how to show restraint with magic
— Teliune Leafwhisper, elven healer
Those with shorter lifespans tend not to be afflicted by this condition as they have less time to suffer damage, and typically have access to powerful magics for less of their lives.
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Cover image: The party's camp by Tanai Cuinsear


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