Lunar Owls

Agents of the Church of the Starbrow who protect the elven lands from the corrupting influence of fiends and the misguided philosophies of the fleets.


The Owls are split into four main parts. The Brain, The Feathers, the Beak, and the Talons.
The Brain
These are the leaders of the organisation and those who collate information from various sources. They are mostlly based in Calen Tal tel’Taure apart from when called to manage a particularly difficult situation.  
The Feathers
The most numerous and least known part of the Owls are those who keep watch for the group. Made up of faithful volunteers spread across the forests these watchers provide reports on unusual or deviant behaviour that could indicate either fiending or Fleeting corruption.  
The Beak
Specialists in acquiring information, and quietly capturing or removing targets the Beak act on the orders of The Brain after The Feathers have reported a threat. This part of the group is most likely to come into conflict with other forces operating in the forest.  
The Talons
The public face of the Owls whose main objective is to distract people from the other parts of the organisation


To most people in the elven realms the Owls are a distant thing, a group that helps root out malcontents and traitors. They never expect to run into a member of this organisation or for the group to take any interst in them. And that is how the Owls prefer it. It is far easier to keep watch when people don't realise you are watching. The public face of the group are the Talons who swoop in to arrest obvious troublemakers, creating a show of any capture or averted disaster to help stop people thinking about the less obvious sides of the group. The informers, the interrogators, those who collate facts to trace who may be involved.   True believers in Starbrow, the Owls know that there are many threats to the stability of the elven lands. With the Rememberers still causing trouble and the loyalties of the Friends of the Household being to the Silmas rather than directly to Starbrow there are many places a threat could come from. If all it takes is a small thought that grows into a big idea to cause trouble then those small thoughts must be found and removed.  
If a suspect can be quietly removed then that is preferable to the Owls as it raises interest. The last thing they want is for people to start looking into subjects that might led them away from the truths the Starbrow has imparted.

Public Agenda

Ever since the Lord Starbrow created the barriers that turned back the fiends there have been those who would seek to undermine his efforts. Those who would allow Fleeting views to corrupt the youth and those who would turn the forests over to the fiends. Such threats cannot be ignored, but nor can everyone be expected to know what to watch out for. That is why the Lunar Owls were created, to keep watch lest the smallest thought grow to be the gravest threat.
— Opening to Wisdom of the Owls

The Smallest Thought

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reluctant allies

Neither side trusts the other. Though they both wish to protect the Ancient Kingdom of the Forest their loyalties are too different to fully get along

Clandestine War

These two groups have completely opposed views and are constantly out to undermine anything the other side is doing.

Cover image: The party's camp by Tanai Cuinsear


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