
The capital of the Kingdom of Caresnas


Following the Necromancer War, Caresnas, Balri, Filishar, and Trem needed a place to conduct negotiations. In order to prevent any side having an advantage they agreed to create an independent city state st the border of Caresnas, Trem, and Filishar. This new city was created from a town formerly belonging to the Holy Kingdom of Caresnas.   With it's indepedence guaranteed by the 4 neighbouring countries Bellcross didn't need much in the way of a standing army, and this allowed it's new ruler (Nial Megris) to reduce the level of taxation on it's populace. This helped to attract new imigrants who were sick of the crippling taxes levied by the surrounding lands after the wars. By keeping tariffs low on goods brought into and through Bellcross, Nial's government was able to encourage much of the trade between the other nations to flow through Bellcross, further helping to strengthen it's finances.   With powerful figures from multiple countires regularly gathered in one place, Bellcross became a popular place to live and work for those with international ambitions. In order to prevent the town becoming completely taken over by outsiders, Nial introduced new rules around who could buy property in Bellcross and where they could buy it. One district was set aside for new newcomers with only longtime residents of Bellcross able to purchase property in the other districts.   As The Alliance grew in strength so to did the importance of Bellcross. Representatives of the 4 founding nations took up permanent residence and it wasn't long before newer members followed their example. The Grand Chamber was constructed to give the representatives a place to debate and negotiate deals. It also helped create more jobs for the people of Bellcross. One of the Colleges of Magic (Divination) was built in Bellcross and it became the most common meeting place for the Mages' Council.   Bellcross' status as the centre of the Alliance and the Mages' Council made it a symbolic target during the War of Ascension. It was attacked by the forces of Miluril Starbrow on multiple occassions, but the abjurers loyal to Oscar Hilsburg were able to hold back these attacks. The city finally fell when it came under attack by the demon horde unleashed during the Years of Darkness.   While Bellcross didn't rise to the same level of prominence during the third age, it did become a respected university town.   Following the second years of darkness the ruins of Bellcross were settled by a group that had been helped to survive an elven raid on their shelter by The Twelve. The town was later helped by Michael Greth and his companions. Michael took over Bellcross and made it into the beginnings of the new Kingdom of Caresnas.


Despite there having been a settlement here for millenia Bellcross looks like a new city. After the latest years of darkness, only the foundations remained and the city has had to be almost entirely reconstructed. There are strict rules on building materials, with everything needing to be made of stone or brick, and roofed with tiles. Most building rise no more than two stories, with the castle and cathedrals being the main exceptions.
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Cover image: The party's camp by Tanai Cuinsear


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