Diving into Desire

This tradition emerged in Ferrisport after it became a popular holiday destination. A relaxed approach to enforcing the law on tourists and the banning of the more restrictive or punitive religious groups allowed for an air of decadence in the town, and there are always those ready to exploit such an environment.


Those visting Ferrisport would be confronted with a huge range of potential diversions. Calls would come from every street corner and window offering one service or another. Nothing was taboo and for those who indulged there were new heights of pleasure to be reached.   Unbeknownst to many a visitor they were all being watched and their behaviour tracked. Once it had been determined what a visitor's favoured passtime was they would be approached by someone who would invite them into an exclusive establishment that catered towards that desire. Plied with their favoured diversion the visitor would be offered a drink that they were assured would further enhance the experience. They were rarely disappointed.   After experiencing their chosen passtime under the influence of the drink, most found they enjoyed less when not under the influence. Those that returned to demand more of the drink were taught about Diving into Desire.   Those who fully engaged in the ritual often shared it with like minded individuals after they returned, ensuring it spread much further than those in Ferrisport could have reached themselves.


Diving into Desire involves embracing one's passions in order to reach new heights of excitement. The first step is to inbibe the liquid known as Desire. Those taught this ritual tend to be given their draught in Ferrisport before they are introduced to the ritual. After Desire has been consummed for the first time a fresh batch must be prepared by the ritual participant. The preparation of the liquid is not overly complicated but for it to gain it's power it must circulated around a group indulging in the same passtime that the ritual participant wishes to indulge in. In Ferrisport this is easy enough to arrange as pipes have been built into the walls of most rooms. Participants who wish to create Desire upon returning home need to make their own arrangements for something similar.   Once the empowered liquid has been collected and certain chants uttered over it, the particpant needs to submerge their head in the liquid. Drinking it a second time is unnecessary but many choose to do so. After submerging their head for a few second there are more chants to be recited after which the participant will feel the effects of Desire coursing through them.   The body can become acustomed to Desire after several uses. To overcome this a particpant can perform the ritual with different diversions. By the time of the sixth or seventh different indulgence the body should be receptive to the first again.
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The ritual is infact a fiendish pact, with the chants being pledges of allegiance to a dark power. Plunging the head into desire is a way of washing any tait of the radiant powers from the participants mind, allowing them to more fully embrace their passions. It also acts to lower inhibitions, though those engaging in the ritual rarely have many of those to start with.   The reason for the ritual is not to claim the soul of one who is already moderately corrupt. It is to encourage them to get others in give in to their desires. The need to create Desire for various activities leads the ritual participant to expand their own range of vices and then to expand what others will do.
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Cover image: The party's camp by Tanai Cuinsear


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