
Located at the mouth of the river Trellin this village rapidly expanded during the third age as the wealthy flocked here to enjoy seafood and try their hand at sailing in relatively calm waters.


Originally run by a mayor chosen by the people of the village, as Ferrisport expanded the Lord Ostelock assigned an imperial functionary to oversee running it. With the town's new focus as a holiday destination for the nobility and the wealthy bringing in gold to the region the functionary's focus was to ensure that the town ran for guests' benefit. Laws were enacted to allow the town guard to arrest or move on anyone who inconvenienced a guest, and compulsory purchase orders were used to ensure that no guest's table would go empty. The guard were instructed to treat guests with deference, especially those bearing badges of rank. Behaviour that could have earned a night in the cells or a fine elsewhere in The Empire was overlooked for such individuals.


With the newfound focus on attracting visitors, Ferrisport had a number of additional facilities added extremely quickly. A music hall and theatre were added to provide some interest when the weather was inclement. Drinking and gambling establishments were added later on, with the proud boast that evey time of drink was available for purchase here.   Further facilities were added outside the town for those who wished to partake of different services with the anonymity that could be granted by a plain carriage and a private entrace.
One thing everyone agrees on, when you visit Ferrisport, you didn't see what you saw while you were there
The somewhat abbreviated styles of clothing (by northern standards) worn by those in the area also added a degree of excitement for those visiting from the more prudish parts of the empire.
Location under
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)
Though not strictly allowed by the empire, a blind eye was turned to the approach of outright banning certain religious groups from the town and surrounding area including the worshipers of Seyr,Tarin, and Virid. While practical from a town overseer who wished to avoid trouble for guests this almost certainly contributed to the rise of certain cults in the town.
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Cover image: The party's camp by Tanai Cuinsear


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