
A group of soldiers within the regular military recognised for their commitment to Clan Magrannor.


The members of this order (known as honourbrights) are chosen from the most skilled and loyal of the forces serving Clan Magrannor. Only the current head of the clan is permitted to chose new members and by tradition there are no more than 10 active members at any time. Some of the members are known publically, but others keep their appointment a secret. Although they are expected to follow the regular chain of command under normal circumstances, honourbrights count as being half a rank higher than those outside the order, giving them seniority if they should need it. They also have the right to disobey a senior officer from outside honourwatch if they feel that that officer's orders conflict with an honourwatch mission. While such decision have to be justified afterwards, there has never been a case where the clan's ruler has found fault with an honourbright's decision.   While many respect the honourbrights they are also viewed with a certain amount of suspicion. This is because in addition to their normal duties honourbrights are also tasked with locating those in the army who abuse their position or are outright traitors. Despite there only being a handful of hidden members of the order, the fact that they could be watching makes any who disagree with The Magrannor nervous about being reported.   Honourwatch has a fairly flat structure with the monarch appointing one member as leader with the other nine all reporting to that leader.  This leader is usually the most senior by military rank and a close advisor to the monarch.  Depending on the nature of an assignment the leader of the honourbrights may put one member in charge of another, usually when the leader needs to maintain some distance from a hidden member.


When a dwarf is inducted into the Honourwatch they are presented with a suit of magical plate armour and shield that have been passed down through the order for centuries. While the armour and shield are designed for use in combat rather than being for show, they have been elaborately decorated. The armour is engraved with the emblems of Moradin, Clan Magrannor, and Honourwatch, and has an integrated cape which also has the Honourwatch crest. Panels on both arms are inscribed with the names of the previous wearers of the armour as a reminder of the order's history.  Each suit is considered priceless and over the cycles more than 1 dwarf has earned their place as an honourbright by retrieving a lost suit.


Honourwatch started with a single member, Figin Brawnhammer. Figin was a soldier serving as a squed during the 3rd cycle. When his clan, whose name has been erased from history, attempted to seize control of the army and a launch a coup against the Magrannors Figin refused to join the rebellion. Though imprisoned by his clan, Figin not only managed to escape, he also succeeded in reaching the forces loyal to The Magrannor and warned them about the impeding attack by the rebels. When the rebels launched their assault, the Magrannors were ready and the rebellion was crushed. Held up as a paragon of loyalty and duty, Figin was the only member of his former clan to escape the purge that followed and he was formally adopted into Clan Magrannor. Moradin himself seemed pleased with Figin showing what it meant to put the greater good of dwarvs ahead of clan loyalty, demonstrating his approval by causing Figin's name to appear on the next suit of armour he granted his blessing to. The Magrannor took this as sign that she should put her safety in Figin's hands and put him in charge of keeping watch for any further signs of betrayal. After Figin's retirement he retutned his armour so that it could become the badge of office for those who would take over his role.   There remained only one person on honourwatch for several centuries until another previously inremarkable soldier demonstrated the same loyalty, deterimination and skill as Figin. With another warrior granted a suit of armour as a sign of Moradin's approval Honourwatch was changed from a role for a single person into an organisation tasked with protecting the ruler of the Magrannor Halls. Only a further eight dwarves have been acknowledged by Moradin in this way, and the Voices have remained adamant that the membership of Honourwatch should not exceed the number of sets of armour.   While the later members of the order did not directly receive Moradin's blessing they are tested by the Voices to ensure that they are worthy of holding the position.  These tests are carried out in private in the Hall of Echoes, with the only ones knowing who has been tested being The Magrannor, the Voices, and some members of Honourwatch .

Ever Vigilant

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Since the hidden honourbrights won't usually be wearing their armour but may need to prove their identity, they are issued with an amulet.  These amulets have the emblems of Clan Magrannor one side and the name of the honourbright on the other.  While simple in design and easy to copy, the true amulets are enchanted to respond to either a command from the honourbright or a spell cast by a cleric of Moradin.  When activated a glowing symbol appears showing the Honourwatch crest and the name of the honourbright.
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Fiercely Loyal

The members of Honourwatch are fiercely loyal to The Magrannor. Most of the clan trust Honourwatch in turn, apart from those who want to surplant the current Magrannor

Cover image: The party's camp by Tanai Cuinsear
Character flag image: Honourwatch Crest by Tanai Cuinsear


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