Legion of the Mktulax



Each legion is led by a Commander with the structure under them being fairly fixed across legions as a result of tradition and long experience.   Legions are made up of 9 fighting companies and 1 support company. A regular company has 9 warbands, each with 9 soldiers and a Swordbearer to lead the warband. Each company is led by a Captain who usually appoints a Second to assist with running the company and to provide a clear successor if something should happen.   A typical legion has 3 spear companies, 3 shield companies, a skirmish company, and a heavy company. The last company is the mageguard who protect the legion's spellcasters and the Drapheb Voiks.   A support company has clerks, cooks, healers, and occasionally engineers. Unlike with regular companies each function of the support company tends to have it's own Second and apart from when on the march this company is rarely deployed together.


All soldiers wear a cloak in their domain's colours, with those of officers bearing elaborate designs. They are expected to carry several days of food and water while on the march, but most supplies are transported by the support company.  
Spear Company
  • Ringmail.
  • Leather helmet.
  • Pike.
  • Throwing daggers.
  • Shortsword.
Shield Company
  • Chainmail.
  • Shield.
  • Iron Helmet
  • Shortsword.
  • Throwing daggers.
Skirmish Company
  • Breastplate.
  • Shortbow.
  • Iron Helmet.
  • Throwing daggers.
  • Assortment of weapons.
Heavy Company
  • Halfplate.
  • Iron Helmet.
  • Greatsword or axe.
  • Shortsword.
  • Crossbow.
Mageguard Company
  • Halfplate.
  • Iron Helmet.
  • Shortbow.
  • Longsword.
  • Shield,
  • Throwing Daggers.
Support Company
  • Chainshirt.
  • Leather helmet.
  • Shortsword.
  • Throwing dagger.
  Officers are free to choose their own equipment, with many opting for chain with the additional of extra protective plates. Those leading spear or shield companies tend to use a word a shield, while those leading other companies usually equip themselves with the same weapons as their soldiers.


Each type of company specialises in dealing with certain types of enemy. This does cause some problems if companies are attacked by foes they don't specialise in fighting, but the tradeoff is considered worthwhile.  
Spear Company
The spear company is usually the first a young recruit will be assigned to. These companies are used to deal with many of the beasts found in the domains from wolves to ogres. Most of the time a line of spears is enough to deter most of the beasts, but if not then being forced to withstand a charge is a good test of a new soldier's mettle. When battle is joined between legions the spear companies are used to blunt charges , sometimes positioned behind the shield, sometimes on their own. If engaged in close combat these soldiers are trained to switch to their swords, and if possible withdraw behind another unit. Those that survive battle in these units for several years can expect to be moved to a shield company.  
Shield Company
The shield company is used when fighting humanoids that are are capable of using weapons. They are trained to focus first on defence, letting opponents tire themselves against a wall of shields before striking back. At times they interlink with spear companies to provide those units with greater protection. When there is a large scale engagement with the entire legion, these companies are used to block enemy units while the rest of the legion tries to flank the enemy. Soldier's in this unit generally stay in the shield for the rest of their carreers, but a few promising fighters may be transferred to the skirmish or heavy companies.  
Skirmish Company
This company is usually viewed as the least disciplined of any in a legion. They don't march together, use an assortband of equipment and are frequently deployed as separate warbands. The members of these companies are used for scouting, ambushing, and for providing ranged support to the rest of the region. These soldiers receive different training as they need to be able to fight alone or in small groups, relying on a greater degree of mobility than others. Earning a place in the skirmishers is a route to individual glory, which can bring promotion, but the risks tend to be greater than for other comapanies.   At times the skirmishers will also join with some of auxiliary units, which is seen as a good way to learn to command troops without having to be overly concerned with the losses created by any mistakes.  
Heavy Company
The heavy company is used to deal with armoured units or beasts whose hides are too tough for the pikes to deal with. Joining the heavies is seen as another good route to promotion as slaying a monster will get you noticed. They are deployed from behind shield or spear units, letting the other companies take the brunt of a charge before moving in to deal with the threat.  
The mageguard are those who protect a Drapheb Voiks and the spellcasters inside. In battle they act as bodyguards for the casters, with their role being to ensure the casters' spells are not interrupted. Their tactics combine those of the shield and skirmisher companies with their preferred method of being being to form a solid wall against a threat. However they are also trained to fight individually while protecting a spellcaster in case they get separated. Members of the mageguard are expected to lay down their lives before harm comes to a caster as the casters are far more potent as weapons of war. Many battles will see the mageguard left with nothing to do, and it is seen as a good option for those who will never attain the rank of officer.  
Support Company
The support companies are not meant to fight, but long experience has taught that they may come under attack. Their training focuses on defence to try to buy time until help arrives. Many are former members of other companies who have had to step back due to age or injury, but they take pride in still being able to hold their own. When faced with an overwhelming force the support companies focus on protecting more valuable members such as healers or engineeers, or supplies the legion urgently needs.



While the legion is an effective force by itself, many commanders like to supplement their force with auxiliaries.   Goblins can be used as arrow fodder, or when mounted on wolves they can provide support to shield and spear companies.   Bugbears and orcs can provide effective support for the skirmisher company, with individual skirmishers being given small groups to command.   Ogres can be used to support the heavies though there tends to be high casualty rate amongst the ogres as they are generally incapable of understanding when to pull back.   Goblins and bugbears can earn earn the right to be recognised as soldiers of a domain, gaining the title of spearbearer. This gives them the right to a copper amulet with the crest of the unit they serve with. Such an award is usually only granted after years of successful service. The truly exceptional can earn the rank of swordbearer. Those that earn this rank ar given command of a unit of their fellows, reducing the need to deploy a more valuable hobgoblin with the auxiliaries. However, these fighters (who are given a silver amulet) are also watched very arefully as the skills that make them useful also make them a potential leader of a revolt.


Most of the industry in the Mktulax domains is devoted towards supporting the legions, with extensive networks of roads and supply bases acroos each domain. Those who are incapable of serving in a legion are expected to devote themelves to preparing food or equipment for the legions, with only those who forge weapons or armour being accounted as being even close to a soldier's importance.   After suffering invasions by the southlands, the Hgtoha, and Rigel Fearshroud there was a long standing agreement that conflicts between the legions would not extended to damaging roads, supply bases, or bridges. This was to help prevent an internal conflict (of which there are many) from providing an opportunity for unfriendly neighbours. This agreement was shattered when Paragast began using his Unstoppable Force to conquer the domains.


Becoming a member of a legion is seen as a religious obligation in the Mktulax. From a young age the hobgoblins are taught that when they die they will join their creator's armies in an endless battle. To that end they need to spend their mortal lives training so that they are ready to serve when the time comes. It is believed that a person's rank in the next life will be determined by the one they ottain in this one which helps to drive not only enlistment but also an enthusiasm for getting promoted.   Auxiliaries are usually from conquered tribes and they aren't given much choice about whether they join. A liberal use of threats is required to keep these soldiers in the line, though the swordbearers promoted from within the ranks of the auxiliaries are also used to point out the benefits of service.
Vehicles Used
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Members of a legion where a circular amulet which bears an image denoting their legion and company. The metal used in the amulet also indicates rank with a common soldier wearer copper, a swordbearer wearing silver, and a captain wearing gold. There is a tradition among the captains and commanders of augmenting their amulets with gemstones in a carefully understated way.  
It is often said that the legions are meritocracies, and it is true that there are no hereditary positions. What many aspiring young soldiers find out is that while deeds will get you so far, having a patron amongst the senrior officers will go a lot further. Some would point to the fact that an unnaturally large number of officers being the children of officers shows that the trading of favours for positions is hindering those from humbler backgrounds. Those in power tend to counter this with the arguement that some traits breed true and that everyone has the same opportunities on the battlefield.  
Aside from goblin wolf riders most legions do not have cavalry available. This is partly due to a lack of available mounts, as horses are considered to be more useful for pulling wagons of supplies. One domain has bucked this trend, with the warlords of Wrolken maintaining several companies of cavalry. These units use equipment similiar to that used in the southlands which the hobgoblins have found are quite effective when fighting orcs.
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Cover image: The party's camp by Tanai Cuinsear


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