Nameless Swords

A group of knights assigned to protect the Triumphant Standard



This unit consists of up to 30 knights, though it has been rare for that many to serve at the same time. Though not counted as part of the Swords a squire typically serves each knight and further support such as cooks and wagon drivers also travel with them.


With the exception of their helms, each knight is free to use their own armour and weapons. However, in keeping with the unit's tradition of not seeking personal glory any family crests or badges of knightly orders cannot be displayed. The only exceptions are emblems from the Order of the Shield or symbols of Tarin.   Both knights and squires are expected to have horses in good condition, and any other support tends to travel by wagon. Most of the knights provide their mounts with armour that is comparably to that worn by the knight.   Each knight is provided with a helm that completely covers their head and face. These helms are passed from one generation of knights to the next and help guard against various kinds of mental attack as well as hiding the knights identities. The Swords are also isssued with grey cloaks and tabards which show a stylised picture of the standard.


This unit is led by the Faceless Knight who reports to whichever Vice-Marshall runs the continent the Triumphant Standard is on.   In battle the Faceless Knight has the same authority as a Field-Commander, though in practice they typically defer to the one appointed to lead a campaign. The equivalent rank allows them to ignore orders if necessary and allows them to take over if a Field Commander is slain.   Beneath the Faceless Knight the Swords are typically broken into three teams to provide constant protection for the Standard. Each team is led by a knight whose cloak and tabard are edged in Blue, Red, or Black. These leaders are referred to by their colour, which also doubles as their team's name.


Since the Standard was first handed to the Church of Tarin guarding or bearing it has been considered a high honour. Over time the prestige became more important to many than the honour of protecting the holy relic. The solition the church came up with was the creation of this group of knights.   On joining the unit a knight must give up all sense of personal glory. Their identities are concealed and their names not even recorded on the rolls for each battle. Any who serve in the Swords are banned from holding any sort of leadership in the church or the Order of the Shield after leaving.
The Standard is Brilliance
— motto of the Swords
The restrictions placed on these knights reduced the appeal of guarding the Standard and at times made it hard to recruit enough members, but a succession of Marshalls have deemed that a price worth paying to have only the truly faithful guarding the standard.   Although the Swords are tasked iwth protecting the standard at the cost of their lives, they do not shy away from battle. If the standard is deployed it needs to be where it can be seen which will put it at risk. The Swords have been wiped out several times in their efforts to protect the Standard but the unit is rebuilt each time.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Used by
Ranks & Titles
To the Death?
The Swords swear to protect the Triumphant Standard even at the cost of their own lives, but that doesn't mean they are expected to throw their lives away for nothing. Dying for the sake of dying serves no reason apart from pride, and Sword should be above that. If the Standard is taken and a Sword survives the battle then there is only one option. Retrieve it.
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Cover image: The party's camp by Tanai Cuinsear


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Aug 7, 2024 05:13 by Marjorie Ariel

I love the description in the sidebar of what happens if they lose the standard. I have to say, I appreciate that there's no falling on one's own sword because their honor has stripped from them. Having to continue after you've failed is the more difficult task.

Aug 12, 2024 10:08 by Tanai Cuinsear

Thought there was enough fall on sword type groups already. Plus it gives me a way to introduce a quest for the standard with a character that has a very urgent need to recover it.

Aug 12, 2024 00:31

This is an interesting concept for a unit, and they're free to use their own armor and weapons. I also like that their lives aren't thrown away for nothing, the only option is to retrieve the Standard if it has been stolen.

Aug 12, 2024 10:05 by Tanai Cuinsear

Using their own gear just makes it a bit cheaper to equip the unit, plus it makes it more likely a player character may join.