Triumphant Standard

A large standard said to have been used by Tarin's personal guard.   The standard is a large piece of maroon cloth mounted on a silver frame. The cloth bears Tarin's holy smite with the design moving between plain maroon to the slowly descending power of the smite and the explosion of power. The using white of the smite is replaced by a shining silver that glows with divine radiance.   The frame that holds the cloth is inscribed with divine spells of protection, as well as a few to help make it bit easier to carry.


The Standard was reportedly given to the first Marshall as proof of their right to lead. Both the authenticity of the Standard and the stories told of how it was delivered by one of Tarin's own warriors were questioned by those opposed to the Marshall's rise to power at the time. However, this is generally thought to have been a result of their own ambitions and the power of the Standard has repeatedly shown it authenticity in the millennia since then.   The Standard was usually kept in one of the major temples, and only sent out into the field during major comflicts when victory seemed remote or the stakes were especially high. Some of the battles the Standard was sent to were known to be lost causes, but the potential loss of the Standard was not considered a good reason for not sending it.
We do not flee evil because we might lose. Why then should we fear to use a tool Tarin blessed us with because it might be lost.
  The Standard has been lost in battle and regained multiple times over the ages. The Nameless Swords are usually at the forefront of such efforts, sometimes with help from small mercenary groups, and at others supported by an army raised with the sole purpose of retrieving the standard. Some more cynical historians from outside of the church have suggested that in a few cases Vice-Marshalls may have sent the Standard out to be lost so as to inspire a grand crusade.


This standard is considered one of the holiest of relics by the Church of Tarin. It represents the duty that the church has to protect the faithful, as well as being an embodiment of Tarin's power.   In battles against the forces of evil just the news that the standard is being brought to the battlefield is enough to lift morale and turn the tide of battle. It's presence on the battlefield lights a fire in the hearts of faithful as it means the battle is no minor skirmish, rather it is a battle that will determine the fate of countries or continents.   The Standard was most recently lost during the Second Years of Darkness and the Church of Tarin are keen to locate and retrieve it. Bounties have been offered for any information and it is rumoured that high ranking members of the church are making preparations for a Quest to retrieve it.
Item type
Religious / Ritualistic
Owning Organization
12ft x 5ft x 1ft
Protecting the standard
The Standard is protected by the Nameless Swords, though in truth they are more of a last line of defence as any of the faithful would gladly rush to protect it.
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Cover image: The party's camp by Tanai Cuinsear


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