Lunar Oddities Physical / Metaphysical Law in Tritanix 3 | World Anvil

Lunar Oddities

The moons of Tritanix 3 have a few behaviors that are unusual as far as moons go. The larger moon has the most unique behavior between the two of them. Some of the strange occurrences are as follows:
The larger moon will change colors depending on the season. For instance, during the winter, the moon will glow faintly blue for one night, and many villages celebrate the Blue Moon Festival. During the fall, the moon will glow an almost orange color for a night, and again, many villages will celebrate. All moon color changes are celebrated by the kingdoms, even if all villages do not participate, they are still nationally observed occasions. It is still not understood why the moon behaves this way.
Another behavior of the moons declared strange by many, is the eclipsing of one moon in front of the other. The smaller moon orbits the larger moon, and every so often they will pass over one another. A passing of the smaller moon over the larger one is a sign of good luck and prosperity, while the passing behind is a sign of bad luck and negativity. There is not much scientific bases behind the belief, but it is tradition none the less.
Different cultures have different beliefs about the moons, but the general consensus seems to be that the moons either represent, or are physical bodies of the gods. They are revered and respected in many cultures, and some even pray to the moons for good health or good fortune. Whatever the belief, the strange behaviors of the moons are definitely an interesting sight for all to see.


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