Shoosuva (Shoo-Su-Va)

"Hyena God, Lord of the Hunter and Father of Gnolls! We give you a mighty Frost Giant as a sacrifice in honor of your name. May you bring as one of your mighty creations to help brings death to your enemies and blood to your cup!" - A Gnoll Shaman rituals to summon a Shoosuva
  Shoosuva is a hyena-shaped demons dwelt within the Plane of Demons, mostly inhabiting the Seeping Woods, the 422nd Layer of the Plane of Demons. They were created by the Demon Lord Yeenoghu and were given to powerful Gnolls as gifts from Yeenoghu after victorious battles.    


Shoosuvas are 6 ft high, bestial quadrupeds that squatted hungrily as they stood. They resemble emaciated Hyaenodon, with the key differences being the series of bony ridges that went down their spines and their giant poisonous tail stingers. Their skin is mottled, and their fur is patchy, a fact made clearer by the yellow, nauseating, phosphorescent light that was emitted by their bodies, similar in intensity to a Light cantrip. The wicked light also highlighted their leprous throats, bloated eyes, and the jagged fangs that filled their slavering maws.    


Savage in the face of danger, Shoosuva went straight into the heat of battle unconcerned with being flanked. Their undead form made certain surprise tactics impossible and so they deliberately tried to be surrounded whenever possible so as to lash out at as many foes at once.    


Shoosuva were intensely loyal to a particular Gnoll Shamans above all other Gnolls. Their favorite food was rancid meat and personally enlisting one often entailed bribing it with carrion. Contrary to what their animalistic appearance suggested, Shoosuva were fairly intelligent, especially by Gnoll standards.    


A Shoosuva appeared before a Gnoll packs under one of three conditions:
  • The first as after a great victory by a Gnoll packs. After the slaughter, a Shoosuva would appear in a cloud of billowing, odorous smoke before an exalted individual, normally the strongest member of the pack, and bond to them. A Shoosuva responded foremost to the commands of their respective Shamans. As such, those with Shoosuva companions were second only to Chief of the Pack.
  • The second method was to attempt to summon a Shoosuva directly. After reaching a sufficient level of physical fortitude and clerical power, a Shaman would be mentally given instructions on how to call a Shoosuva. This was done via a talisman made from the bones of another Gnoll shaman that was carved into the shape of a hyena skull and thrown to the ground. Once this was done, the caster would utter Yeenoghu's name, causing the Prince of Gnolls to gate in a Shoosuva to the summoner's location within a few seconds. Shoosuvas called this way remained until one hour elapsed or they were slain, both of which caused their spirits to return to the Plane of Demons. Shoosuva called this way asked for rotten meat as a reward for service, assuming they were not killed, and failing to provide any resulted in a refusal to respond to further summoning by all Shoosuva.
  • Finally, a Shoosuva could be called to the Material Plane by any Shaman of Yeenoghu in a request for assistance or advice. This method still required carrion and was far inferior to the secondary method. Even the most powerful of Yeenoghu's faithful had less than a 50% chance to succeed and the Shoosuva summoned only remained for a few minutes if not seconds. If attacked or if their summoner was attacked in the short time while they were being questioned, a Shoosuva would waste no time mauling the offender with whatever limited time it had. Shoosuva were foremost loyal to Yeenoghu and their advice and assistance extended only as far as what Yeenoghu allowed them to give.

Impact on Gnolls Society

Shoosuva are one of the most scared beings in Gnoll Society. To them this Demon was the first creation on their god. This has caused them to look upon the Shoosuva with respect and divine hood. All Gnolls, be Shamans, Hunters or Pack Chiefs try to gain the honor of having a Shoosuva, though many fail and will never see this mighty creature. It is believed that when a Gnoll is given the honor of having a Shoosuva, it is a time of war and unity between the Gnoll species. In the history of the Gnolls, many Chiefs or Shamans who have been given Shoosuva have unified the Gnoll Packs and Tribes to bring the Gnolls into Golden Ages or help defeat a great enemy that was plaguing their homeland. The divine hood of this creatures has meant that the name Shoosuva is not allowed to be used as a packs name, as it would it is believed that it dishonors the Shoosuvas as it would be the idea that Gnoll control the Shoosuva's, when only the Hyena God does.     In the Gnoll language, "Shoosuva" translated as "Returner", it is unknown if then the name Shoosuva was a given name to this creature once the Gnoll race was created or the word for returner was based of the Shoosuva. Though, not matter what which one come first, it is believed by the Shamans that powerful hunters or Shamans that do great deeds in the Hyena Gods name, will become a Shoosuva once they die. To the Gnoll's this would be a great honor to become one of the Hyena God's first creations and hunt beside him in the Plane of Demons.
Scientific Name
Miscellaneous Demon
Geographic Distribution


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