422nd Layer

The 422nd Layers, also known as The Death Dells, The Seeping Woods, Yeenoghu’s Realm is a layer of the Plane of Demons that is ruled by the Demon Lord, Yeenoghu the Lord of Savagery and Father of Gnolls.  


The 422nd Layer is made up of huge corrupt forest that is surrounded by hundreds of miles long savannah like plains. The layer has an extremely uncomfortable heat even if you are standing in the shade. The whole layer is lit by a low hanging sun that shins upon all who enter the layer. The corrupt forest is made up of gnarled trees that stretch ins strange and winding directions, covered in vines and yellows leaves. From the trees, green sap that smells of rot and sickness, pours from their decaying bark. The ground is covered in poisonous plants that are deadly in many different ways, some kill from smell while others kill from touch. This forest is designed out as a strange puzzle, intended to cause creatures to be absorbed into its corrupted darkness and become the creatures of the forests next meal.    

Notable Locations

The 422nd Layer does not have many notable locations as the Lord of Savagery despises all forms of civilization.
  • Yeenoghu Lair: Yeenoghu, the ruler of this savage layer is said to reside in a giant iron construction site, that was forged by slaves made up of the less races.


The layer is home to many foul creatures and demons. Used as a hunting ground by the layers master, it is home to large monsters that hunt the corrupt forest and savannah. The savannah is home to many packs of Gnolls and Hyenas that followed their father back into the Plane of Demons after they were created, while their fathers first creation, the Shoosuvas also roam the savannah and forest looking for their next meal. The main inhabitant was of course the Father of Gnolls himself, Yeenoghu.
Alternative Name(s)
The Death Dells, The Seeping Woods, Yeenoghu’s Realm
Plane of Existence
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Inhabiting Species


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