Bog of Fangs Geographic Location in Trorune | World Anvil

Bog of Fangs

The Bog of Fangs is an ancient and mysterious swamp that is nestled within the shadows of the Broken Spine of Salazar to the east. The swamp is fed by the constant, frgid run-off from the mountain, creating a murky and treacherous environment that is filled with hidden dangers.   The air is thick with the smell of rotting vegetation and the hum of insects, the water is cold, dark, and errily still, hiding many secrets within its depths. The dampness in the air clings to the skin, creating a clammy sensation that never seems to go away.   The Bog of Fangs is home to many aquatic creatures, such as giant leeches, giant frogs, and giant snakes. These creatures have adapted to the swamp's harsh conditions and have thrived in the murky waters. The swamp is also home to tribes of lizardfolk and kobolds, who have built small settlements within the swamp's borders. These creatures have lived in the swamp for centuries, and they know its secrets and dangers better than anyone.   Mountaineers and prospectors in the area have noticed increased activity in the reptiles of late. The swamp is a dangerous place, with hidden sinkholes and quicksand, as well as venomous creatures that lurk in the shadows. The ground is spongy, making it difficult to walk, and the thick mist that hangs in the air makes it hard to see.   The swamp is a place where one can find both treasure and death, where the line between the living and the dead is blurred, and where the unknown lurks in every shadow. The sound of croaking frogs, the sound of squishing mud and the sound of unseen creatures lurking in the shadows all add to the reputation that gives the Bog of Fangs its name.


A bog within the Broken Spine of Salazar; the meltoff from the nearby mountain peaks keep the waters high and difficult to traverse with some areas reaching chest height.
Wetland / Swamp
Owning Organization