
Caranthir is the dwarf, secondary moon that dances across the night sky of Trorune, sometimes colloquially known as Little Red for the crimson, blood-red coloring it has that intensifies during certain times of the year; it mainly gives off a pale pink or red coloration to the night sky when Lysara sleeps. The dwarfed moon possesses an aura of mystique and enigma that has captivated the imaginations of scholars, mystics, and adventurers for generations. Its erratic orbit, influenced by the gravitational pulls of Lysara and the world itself, creating a celestial spectacle every time it dances across the night sky. Despite its diminutive size, Caranthir holds a significant place in the natural and cultural tapestry of the realm.   At the heart of Caranthir's allure and mystique lies the Circle of Caranthir, a secretive order of druids dedicated to unraveling the moon's mysteries. Led by an archdruid and their apprentice, this secretive circle have spent entire lifetimes attempting to unravel its mysteries. delving into the secrets hidden within the crimson glow of the moon. Their spiritual quests and mystical journeys take them across the lands, even those beyond Kalbela, seeking to decode the celestial messages whispered by Caranthir's shimmering light that still do not reach beyond the circle.   While the moon's influence waxes and wanes, its presence remains a constant source of inspiration and intrigue. Tales of ancient prophecies, forgotten rituals, and otherworldly beings are woven into the fabric of Caranthir's lore, shaping the beliefs and practices of those who dwell beneath its crimson gaze. Whether revered as a harbinger of fortune or feared as a bringer of ill omens, Caranthir holds sway over the hearts and minds of the people, its mysteries waiting to be uncovered by those daring enough to seek them.   As the red moon casts its ethereal light upon the world below, a silent witness to the unfolding dramas and destinies that play out beneath its celestial domain. Its phases, while irregular, are deeply intertwined with the natural rhythms of Trorune, influencing tides, seasons, and the growth cycles of flora and fauna.
Alternative Name(s)
Little Red
Planetoid / Moon

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