
Changelings are enigmatic shape-shifters who possess the uncanny ability to alter their appearance at will. Descended from the ancient and mysterious Doppelgangers, changelings exhibit an innate talent for adopting different forms and personas, making them skilled actors and spies. Their natural shape-shifting talents allow them to mimic the appearance of other humanoid creatures with incredible, uncanny precision.   Changelings possess a fluid identity that reflects their capacity to seamlessly blend in or stand out as needed. Their true forms feature subtly unique traits, such as slightly too long limbs or unusually colored eyes, that tend to set them apart from the races they imitate. It is this very uniqueness that fosters a sense of camaraderie among changelings, as they find solace in a shared understanding of what it means to live with malleable identities.   Across Kalbela, and greater Trorune, changelings often assume a myriad of roles. Some become masterful spies, infiltrating secret organizations and gathering information that shape the courses of historical events. Others choose to follow their creative impulses, becoming artists, entertainers, or even shapeshifting actors who bring stories to life in ways that no other race could emulate.   Changelings are a testament to the fluid nature of identity and the intricate dance between perception and reality.