Frostfire Tree

"Only the gods could bring together the colors of fire and ice so vividly and so perfect. If I were blessed to see something so beautiful again... I would die the richest of men."

Brother Walden Hugh

  What a wonder to behold a rare and captivating sight awaits those who venture and find this tree. The Frostfire Tree, as it has come to be known, is a botanical wonder of remarkable contrast. Its smooth bark, as white as the harshest winter's frost, leaves behind scars of glacier blue from the dark blue sap when it heals, and its extraordinary distinctive, five-pointed, blood-red leaves make it stand out from any other tree in an area. Yet, unlike other deciduous trees, the leaves of the Frostfire remain a brilliant crimson all year round and do not fall until they die and are quickly grown anew. The peculiar and enduring hue has bestowed upon the tree a sense of constant vitality, making it a distinct and captivating sight in the forest regardless of the season. The trees are also resistant to rot and insect invasion and can remain standing many centuries after they die.   The Frostfire Tree has become the subject of folklore and myth, often associated with tales of hidden realms and the guardianship of secrets. Others believe that these trees harbor an ancient and mystical spirits within, serving as a silent sentinels of the forest and its mysteries.   Travelers who chance upon a Frostfire will often find themselves awestruck by its beauty and enduring presence. While this tree may lack overt tangible properties seen in other plants across Kalbela, its unique characteristics and the enigmatic stories that surround it have ensured its place in the folklore and mystique of the forest.
Scientific Name
Gelu ignis
Average Height
25-35 feet