
Halflings, some of the most delightful folk, exude warmth and charm wherever they roam across Trorune. Among their ranks, two distinct subspecies stand out: the Lightfoot and the Stout, each bringing their unique flair to the tapestry of this fantastical universe.   Lightfoot Halflings, epitomes of wanderlust and free spirits, possess an unyielding wanderlust that leads them to explore far-off lands and embrace diverse cultures. Standing at around three feet tall with twinkling eyes and winsome smiles, they are natural-born travelers who revel in the joys of discovery and storytelling. Their innate knack for stealth and nimbleness proves invaluable, allowing them to navigate the most treacherous of paths with ease.   In contrast, Stout Halflings display a sturdier and more resolute nature, hailing from strong, close-knit communities that value tradition and unity. Known for their fortitude and resilience, Stout Halflings prefer the comforts of hearth and home, and they stand steadfast beside their kin, protecting their beloved settlements with unmatched tenacity. Their determination, coupled with their keen sense of survival, ensures they thrive in even the most challenging environments.   Despite their differing inclinations, all Halflings share an unparalleled warmth and hospitality, endearing themselves to everyone they encounter. Their sense of community and strong bonds with family and friends create a harmonious atmosphere wherever they reside. Their compact size, rosy cheeks, and bright dispositions can turn even the most somber of occasions into joyous celebrations.   Halflings' insatiable curiosity, coupled with their boundless optimism, makes them a source of endless fascination for adventurers from all walks of life. Their presence adds an effervescent touch to the realms they call home, where their tales of heroism, camaraderie, and delightful mischief echo throughout the ages.
Scientific Name
Homo dimidium
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