Thornfellow Family

House Thornfellow is a barony of Bay Watch currently led by Valmo Thornfellow, a Lightfoot Halfling performer and entertainer. They are jovial and eccentrically artistically gifted family of Lightfoots, known across the Empire for their ballads and magical musics. Long lines of Thornfellow blood and kin are proud sponsors, attendants, and graduates of the Academy of Arine, Visions of the Feywild, the Theater of Shadowfire and Starfall, and the Celestia Harmonia. The Thornfellows have had their roots buried deep in Salvae for ages even before the founding of the Empire and many today think that they should be of much more prominent station in the Arinian courts, but then of that many come to realize exceptionally quickly that the Thornfellows tend to quite literally march to the beat of their own drum and vanish from their keep, the Lucky Brawler, for days or weeks on end, and in one of their ruling ancestor's case, a literal decade, wandering the countryside with the winds pushing them to and fro. But never let the happy-go-lucky nature of the smallfolk lure oneself into ease of mind as they love a good scrap and have had just as many of their kin fight in the Grand Army and the Magi-Corps as they did on the stages and bar tops across Kalbela; the running joke from armies of ages past that opposing armies could never see the smallfolk, but damn they could certainly hear the tiny bastards.   The Thornfellows swear fealty to House Balor and oversee the northeastern-most border of the Bay Watch territory where the northern-flowing River Twin meets Song Maiden's Bay.

Wander Where Melodies Doth Taketh

Founding Date
138 ATS
Family Leader
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories
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