
Loxodons, a distinctive race and an uncommon sight in Kalbela, that is often described by commoners as "an elephant standing because of man's conciseness" in the most benign way of seeing them.   With a serene demeanor and a deep connection to the natural world, they evoke an aura of ancient wisdom and profound strength. Their towering frames can alter landscapes as they can reach heights between seven and eight feet, covered in tough, wrinkled skin that come in various shades of greys.   Guided by their strong affinity for nature, Loxodons often lead lives deeply intertwined with the land. Loxodon communities are some of the smallest, many bordering on a natural solitude and found within lush forests, serene meadows, or across vast savanahs.   Serene and contemplative by nature, Loxodons exude an air of tranquility and introspection. Their thoughtful demeanor is complemented by a deep sense of empathy and a desire to promote harmony among all living things. Loxodons are known for their keen ability to listen, mediate, and offer advice, making them valuable counselors and diplomats to those that earn their trust.   The spiritual beliefs of Loxodons are often centered around the sanctity of life and the interconnectedness of all beings. They revere the cycle of birth and death as a natural rhythm, and their rituals often involve paying homage to ancestral spirits and the forces of nature. Through meditation and communion with the elements, a majority Loxodons seek enlightenment and guidance so that they may pass on their learned wisdom.   And while it is true that Loxodons are inherently peaceful, they are not passive in the face of adversity. When provoked, they can become formidable defenders, utilizing their massive strength to protect their homes and loved ones. However, they always seek non-violent solutions when possible, striving to restore balance rather than perpetuate conflict.   Loxodons' affinity for the natural world extends to their abilities as artisans and craftsmen. They are skilled in woodworking, sculpting, and creating intricate works of art that reflect their connection to the earth. These creations often hold both practical and symbolic significance within their communities.   As ambassadors of serenity and advocates for balance, Loxodons bring a unique perspective to the world and people of Trorune. Their presence evokes themes of introspection, empathy, and the interconnectedness of all living beings. In their tranquil wisdom, Loxodons offer a reminder of the importance of harmonizing with the world around them.
450 years
Average Height
6.5-8.5 ft.
Average Weight
275-475 lbs.