Schools of Magic

Magical energies cascade across the world emanating from the Ley Lines of Trorune giving power for those gifted with the capabilities to tame the wildness of the winds of magic.   There are eight Schools of Magic: Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion, Necromancy, and Transmutation.   The Abjuration School of Magic specializes in protective spells, warding, and counter-magic. Practitioners, known as Abjurers, use their abilities to create barriers, dispel magical effects, and defend against attacks. Abjuration spells tend to present as and leave behind a glowing nimbus of white energy.   The Conjuration School of Magic specializes in summoning and teleportation magics. Practitioners, known as Conjurers, can summon creatures, objects, or energy from other planes, particularly powerful Conjurers can even create portals for swift travel between the Non-Material and Material Planes. Conjurations spells tend to present as and leave behind an ethereal cerulean fog.   The Divination School of Magic excel in uncovering secrets, foresight, and obtaining information. Practitioners, known as Diviners, cast spells that reveal truths, see the future, and gather knowledge from afar. While spellcasters of any school are valuable, Diviners and their skills in particular, even apprentice or novice mages, are highly sought after by the elite or powerful. Divination spells tend to present as a translucent grey mist.   The Enchantment School of Magic specialize in spells to manipulate the minds and emotions of others. Practitioners, known as Enchanters, use spells that charm, control, or influence the thoughts and behaviors of creatures and as such is arguably the most dangerous school of magic. Enchantment spells tend to present as and leave behind a tryst of green and yellow hues on their victims.   The Evocation School of Magic is by far the most outwardly aggressive school of magic, channeling the rawest forms of magical energy to create powerful and often destructive effects. Practitioners, known as Evokers, cast spells of elemental forces, blasting spells, and devastating attacks. Evocation spells tend to present as and leave behind an ebb and flow of oranges and blues.   The Illusion School of Magic, like its sister school of Enchantment, relies on the befuddlement of the senses and creation of false appearances. Practitioners, known as Illusionists, can create phantasms, invisibility, and illusions that fool the mind by bending the visible and sensory world rather than an individual's mind. Illusion spells tend to present as and leave behind a glowing nimbus of light brown energy.   The Necromancy School of Magic manipulate the threads of life and death. Practitioners, known as Necromancers, use spells that manipulate life force, control undead creatures, and even drain life from others. This school of magic is often viewed distastefully as it touches upon meddling with the wills of the Gods and history is rife with those that used Necromancy to pursue dark intentions. Necromancy spells tend to present as and leave behind void-less aura of black energy.   The Transmutation School of Magic can change the properties of creatures and objects. Practitioners, known as Transmuters, perform spells that alter shapes, change substances, and grant enhancements or abilities to people or things. Transmutation spells tend to present as and leave behind an aura of golden energy.   Magical auras are also present in certain rare metals, specifically Mithril and Adamantine. Mithril will radiate a slight white and light blue miasma, while Adamantine will have a faint purple aura.
Metaphysical, Arcane