Pantheon of Trorune

The net of Trorune Deities is cast wide and while they've tended to keep to themselves since The Sundering, many still take a cursory interest in placing an invisible finger on the scales of the Material Plane for their own entertainment through their followers or they themselves.   Recognized Deities are regional- and individual-dependent, but there are unique deities that are not part of the general Pantheon that are celebrated and recognized by certain countries, organizations, species, and/or individuals and vice-versa.   General Pantheon-   Amaunator, God of Order, the Sun, Law, and Time; Auril, Goddess of Winter; Azuth, God of Wizards; Bane, God of Tyrannical Oppression, Terror, and Hate; Beshaba, Goddess of Misfortune; Bhaal, God of Murder; Chauntea, Goddess of Life, Bounty, and Agriculture; Cyric, God of Strife and Deception; Deneir, God of Art, Cartography, Glyphs, Images, Knowledge, Literature, and Scholars; Eldath, Goddess of Peace; Gond, God of Craft, Smithing, and Inventiveness; Gruumsh, God of Orcs, Destruction, and War; Helm, God of Protection; Ilmater, God of Endurance; Ioun, Goddess of Knowledge; Lathander, God of Birth and Renewal; Leira, Goddess of Illusion and Deception; Lliira, Goddess of Joy; Loviatar, Goddess of Pain and Agony; Lurue, The Unicorn Queen, Archfey of Intelligent and Talking Beasts; Malar, God of the Hunt; Mask, God of Shadows and Thieves; Mielikki, Goddess of Forests; Milil, God of Bards, Poetry, and Song; Myrkul, God of Death; Mystra, Goddess of Magic; Procan, God of Seas, Sea Life, Sea Weather, and Navigation; The Raven Queen, Goddess of Death and Fate; Savras, God of Divination and Fate; Selûne, Goddess of the Moon; Shar, Goddess of Darkness, Loss, and Caverns; Silvanus, God of Wild Nature; Sune, Goddess of Love and Beauty; Talona, Goddess of Disease and Poison; Talos, God of Storms and Destruction; Tempus, God of War; Torm, God of Courage and Self-Sacrifice; Tymora, Goddess of Good Fortune; Umberlee, Goddess of the Sea; Waukeen, Goddess of Fair Trade.   Draconic Pantheon-   Astilabor, Dragon Goddess of Acquisitiveness, Status, and Wealth; Bahamut, Dragon God of Good Dragons, Metallic Dragons, Wisdom, and Enlightened Justice; Chronepsis, Dragon God of Fate, Death, and Judgement; Falazure, Dragon God of Decay, Exhaustion, and Undeath; Garyx, Dragon God of Destruction, Fire, and Renewal; Hlal, Dragon Goddess of Humor, Inventiveness, Story-telling, and Pleasure; Io, God of Dragonkind, Balance, and Peace; Lendys, Dragon God of Justice and Judge of Dragons in Life; Sardior, Dragon God of Night, Psionics, and Secrets and the Prince of Gem Dragons; Tamara, Dragon Goddess of Life, Light, Mercy, and Forgiveness; Tiamat, Dragon Goddess of Greed and the Queen of Evil and Chromatic Dragons.   Dwarven Pantheon-   Abbathor, Dwarven God of Greed; Berronar Truesilver, Matron of Dwarvenkind, Dwarven Goddess of Faithfulness, Healing, Home, Loyalty, Marriage, Safety, and the Dwarven Family; Clangeddin Silverbeard, Dwarven God of Battle, Bravery, Honor, Valor, and War; Dugmaren Brightmantle, Dwarven God of Discovery, Learning and Innovation, and Patron of Dwarven Scholars and Free Thinkers; Dumathoin, Dwarven God of Mining, Underground Exploration, and Patron of Shield Dwarves; Gorm Gulthyn, Dwarven God of Vigilance and the Guardian of Dwarvenkind; Haela Brightaxe, Dwarven Goddess of Luck in Battle; Marthammor Duin, Dwarven God of Expatriates, Explorers, Guides, Lightning, and Travelers and Patron of Dwarves who had left their Strongholds to Explore the World; Moradin, the Dwarf Father, Dwarven God of Creation, Dwarvenkind, Metalcraft, Protection, Smithing, and Stonework; Sharindlar, Dwarven Goddess of Courtship, Dancing, Fertility, Healing, Mercy, Romantic Love, and the Moon; Thard Harr, Dwarven God of Hunting and Jungle Survival and the Patron of Wild Dwarves; Vergadain, Dwarven God of Luck, Trickery, Negotiation, and Wealth.   Elven Pantheon-
  • The Seldarine: Aerdrie Faenya, Elven Goddess of the Sky, Air, Avians, Fertility, Rain, and Weather; Angharradh, Queen of the Elves, Elven Goddess of Birth, Fertility, Planting, and Spring; Corellon Larethian, King of the Elves, Elven God of the Arts, Bards, Crafts, Magic, Music, Poetry, War, and Warriors; Deep Sashelas, Elven God of Creation, Knowledge, Oceans, and Sea Elves; Erevan Ilesere, Elven God of Change, Mischief, and Rogues; Hanali Celanil, Elven Goddess of the Arts, Beauty, Love, and Romance; Labelas Enoreth, Elven God of History, Longevity, the Moment of Choice, and Time; Rillifane Rallathil, Elven God of Druids, Nature, Wild Elves, and Woodlands; Sehanine Moonbow, Elven Goddess of Death, Dreams, Journeys, Moon Elves, Mysticism, the Heavens, the Moon, the Stars, and Transcendence; Shevarash, Elven God of Crusades, Hatred of the Drow, and Vengeance; Solonor Thelandira, Elven God of Archery, Hunting, and Wilderness Survival
  • The Dark Seldarine: Eilistraee, Drow Goddess of of Beauty, Song, Dance, Freedom, Moonlight, Swordwork, and Hunting; Ghaunadaur, Drow God of Oozes, Slimes, and Outcasts; Kiaransalee, Drow Goddess of Revenge and Undeath; Lolth, Drow Goddess of the Drow, Chaos, Betrayal, and Spiders; Selvetarm, Drow God of Warriors and Battle Prowess; Vhaeraun, Drow God of Male Drow, Thievery, Shadow Magic, and Evil Activities on the Surface
  Salvans of all races celebrate the Pantheon as a whole, with individuals taking preference to individual deities as well as their race's Pantheon as well. In Arine, deities of enlightenment, history, and peace tend to have the largest followings that spill over into the greater Salvae Empire.   Giamelans celebrate the Pantheon as a whole, but have a specific focus of deities of Oceans, the Moon, Trade, and Navigation. Procan is the primary deity celebrated by the citizenry and the Giamela Kingdom as a whole. The clergy of Wakeflow have the Temple of the Seas and are led by the High Priest of the Seas, following Procan.   The Raja'ri tend to celebrate deities of Wild and Beastial Nature, but, in comparison to other countries, they are seen as the most polytheistic and tend to celebrate the deity, or deities, that is most align with an individual's nature. In terms of specifics, the Dawnclaws all see Amaunator as their clan's Primary Deity and in almost all contexts, celebrate him specifically.   Otethens, because of their Oteth Wood Elf ancestry, have the smallest and most focused of Trorune's Pantheons and celebrate Selûne, Goddess of the Moon; Mielikki, Goddess of Forests; Eldath, Goddess of Peace; Silvanus, God of Wild Nature; Corellon Larethian, Elf God of Art and Magic; Rillifane Rallathil, Wood Elf God of Nature.

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