Silverthorn Syndicate

The Silverthorn Syndicate is a guild of monster hunters, founded by a group of warriors, scholars, and thrill seekers with a shared passion for tracking and slaying the most dangerous creatures that roam the lands.   The guild hall is located in a secluded area beneath the hills, far from the bustling cities and towns. The underground hall itself is a large, well-fortified stone building, with a training yard, an armory, and a library filled with ancient tomes and monster hunting manuals. The guild has strict rules and protocols for its members, and only the most skilled and dedicated hunters are accepted into its ranks.   The guild is led by an experienced hunter named Daegon, a grizzled veteran who has dedicated his life to tracking and killing monsters. He is known for his no-nonsense attitude, and his exceptional skill in battle. Deagon is a firm but fair leader, and he values the safety of his hunters above all else as he and they are fighting against things far beyond the common folks' wildest imaginations and far closer to the things that plague their most twisted nightmares.   The other members of the guild come from diverse backgrounds, including seasoned warriors, experienced trackers, and even some magic-users who specialize in tracking and trapping monsters.   The Syndicate is respected across Kalbela for their expertise in dealing with all manner of monsters, from rampaging bears to deadly wyverns and everything in between. Hunters of the Syndicate often work close with local authorities and guilds such as the Iron Vow, exchanging information to keep the people and places safe from dangerous beasts.

In the Darkest of Places Ye Find Them and Us

Guild, Professional