Founding of Bhag Boldor

Construction beginning/end


After traversing and wandering the western Raja'ri Territories for nearly five decades. Heretical expat Huerdan Rockgut and his few hundred apostates moved south-east to the southern-most mountains of the Twin-tail Peaks after watching the destruction The Sundering wrought upon his ancestral Clan and Stronghold. It is here that he would begin training a new generation of warriors, smiths, scholars, masons and the construction of a new Clan and new Stronghold that would carve his surname into the very foundations of the continent, the Rockgut Clan of Bhag Boldor.   It would take centuries for Bhag Boldor to reach completion and while Huerdan would not see the end of his legacy to its completion. The Rockguts, and any Dwarven historian worth their salt, know that the Heretic-Lord alone saved his ancestral Clan from complete extinction, though the Iron Head name is only left in few words.

Related Location
Bhag Boldor
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