The Charging of Flowers

Military: Battle


Kiaya Fleur spent the months following her discovery of the Trant Twins at the Emerald Run locating and rallying the loose cohorts of riders that scattered across the Western Plains, destroying the splintered bands of goblins and orcs they came across. She had managed to rally almost four-hundred spears; a paltry number for a siege, even against a weakened Trant defense.   Fleur would lead her band of riders across the grasslands to the entrenched Trant forces. She ran her riders through arrow-fire and chevaux de fries, before crashing through the weakened lines of militia and Trant soldiers, many of whom surrendered or revolted against the tyrannic-rule of Dalton Trant.   The battle would conclude in the despotic grove where the true treachery of Trant would be revealed.

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