Draugr Species in Trutina | World Anvil
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Draugr are Scovonian undead warriors, raised by ancient curses. They are visually indistinguishable from regular zombies and skeleton warriors. Most visitors of Scovony often assume that they are just that.   The magic that binds a draugr is different from the kind that necromancers use. A draugr can be created by curses or oaths, but most commonly, by the attack of another draugr. When a draugr kills someone, they immediately become a draugr as well. A draugr can not be revived to its former life.   Draugrs are living corpses, so their appearance changes based on what the person looked like in their lives. Over time they decay and rot and their skin turns blue and black. Additionally, their eyes usually glow with bright blue coloration, often giving away their position in the dark. Shortly after their transformation, draugr swell up, but eventually, their skin shrivels and their form becomes thinner. They are also intelligent to some extend, using weapons and armor to protect themselves and search for them if they don't have any. Draugr also possess superhuman strength and endurance, never tiring in their unlife.  

Draugr in Scovonian Belief

A draugr can be created by various means, but when one appears seemingly randomly, it is usually attributed to the gods. Scovonian people commonly believe that the draugr are created to serve as warriors when the world ends and a large battle takes place.  
I was exploring an abandoned fortress in the northern part of the island, hoping to find some valuable treasures. The fortress was said to have been deserted for centuries, but I had heard rumors that it was once the home of a powerful warrior who had been cursed and turned into a draugr. As I entered the fortress, I felt an eerie chill run down my spine. The air was thick with the smell of decay and rot, and I could hear the sound of creaking armor in the distance. I drew my sword and crept forward cautiously.     Suddenly, a figure appeared out of nowhere. It was a draugr, with glowing blue eyes and a twisted, undead body. It lunged at me with surprising speed, and I barely managed to dodge its attack. I fought back with all my might, but the draugr was incredibly strong, and I soon found myself outmatched.     I retreated, hoping to find some way to escape, but the draugr pursued me relentlessly. Its unending stamina and resilience made it clear that this was not an opponent I could easily defeat.     I managed to outrun the draugr for a time, but as I stumbled through the fortress, I realized that I was hopelessly lost. I heard the sound of more draugr approaching, and I knew that I was about to be overwhelmed. Just as I thought that all was lost, a ray of sunlight pierced through the dusty air. I followed it, hoping that it would lead me to safety, and found a small opening in the wall. I squeezed through it, barely escaping the clutches of the undead.
- Einar Reyktr
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